The Sporades archipelago isfound next to the Gulf of Volos in the northern part of Greece.
A set of islands where thevegetation is lush, the sea has a thousand shades of blue, turquoiseand emerald, dream beaches of sand or pebbles and where above all youmay find only a few of you throughout the day.
Skopelos, Skiathos,Alonissos, and Skyros (Giuria, Peristera and Skantzoura areuninhabited), offer visitors an experience based on Nature, on theslow passage of time, on paradisiacal corners, good food and a lot ofwonderful sea. Just think that Skiathos alone has more than 60beaches, for every taste where you can relax and enjoy a peacefulsunny day. All the islands are perfect if you like trekking, thereare many paths that lead to points where the view is breathtaking.
Below we give you some ideason where to spend your 2024 holidays and which of the most beautifulbeaches to visit if your destination is one the beautiful of SporadesIslands.
Skiathos Koukounaries beach
According to visitors, one ofthe best. We find it to the south about ten kilometers from thecapital. It is also called Golden Beach for its sand with goldenreflections and has a wide coastline that reaches almost a kilometerbathed by an emerald sea and crystal clear waters with a gentlysloping seabed perfect for families with children. It is surroundedby a providential pine forest with a beautiful lagoon which is aprotected reserve. It is very popular but despite the crowds, itstill manages to be natural and uncontaminated. It is equipped withsunbeds, umbrellas, water games and three excellent tavernsoverlooking the sea where you can either have a complete meal basedon typical dishes, or something quick. One part is not equipped so ifyou don’t want constraints, you can spread out your towel perhaps inthe shade of a beautiful pine tree and enjoy such beauty. Getting toKoukounaries beach is very easy, either with a rental vehicle, orwith a local bus that leaves from Skiathos Town on the 26th whicharrives directly or on the 23rd which stops a bit earlier and fromthere on you will cross the pine forest to the beach . The sunset isone of the most beautiful moments and we advise you not to miss it.
Skiathos Banana Beach
Banana beach is located southeast of the island of Skiathos. The shape of the bay that welcomes itgives it its name (in the past it was Krassas) and includes twocoastlines, one smaller and the other larger, divided between them bya group of rocks. Soft light sand, transparent and clean waters withan intense blue sea that is almost always calm enough to make italmost look like a natural swimming pool. The large part isdefinitively Megalo Banana (megalo in Greek is large) and is wellequipped with umbrellas, sunbeds, water sports, beach bars and sometaverns where you can enjoy excellent fresh fish. The small part,however, is called Mikri Banana (mikri is small in Greek) and iscompletely free, much appreciated by naturists. The landscapesurrounding both is full of lush vegetation still in its originalstate. In the 70s it was a very popular holiday destination, so muchso that people settled there with their own tent, sleeping under thestars. The right time to enjoy it is early in the morning wheneveryone is still asleep. Even at sunset it is a spectacle, here thesky and sea take on colors of pure ecstasy. You can get there easily,obviously it’s always better to have a rental vehicle, or with a bus,the stop is number 26, then you have to follow a dirt path for aboutten minutes, and again with a nice organized excursion.
Skiathos Kanapitsa Beach
Kanpitsa beach is locatedsouth of Skiathos, eight kilometers from the capital. Nestled in abeautiful bay, it has mixed fine and coarse sand, clear andtransparent waters, an emerald green sea with gently sloping seabeds,a true paradise for families with children and for those who loveswimming. Despite its location, it is sometimes buffeted by winds socheck the weather conditions before going there. The southern part ofKanapitsa beach is full of hills and trees, in fact the shade comesvery early in the afternoon. It is equipped with umbrellas andsunbeds, water sports and a tavern where you can find something todrink or eat. Behind Kanapitsa beach is the village with all themajor comforts and also accommodations in case you want to stay righthere. A fragrant Mediterranean scrub surrounds the area withinteresting paths that go inland to discover the area. Even in thiscase, you can enjoy a fairytale sunset. To reach it you just need tohave a private vehicle, or with a public bus, the stop is number 12,or by sea with a ferry that leaves from the Skiathos old port.
Skiathos Lalaria Beach
North west of Skiathos wefind Lalaria beach. Reachable only by sea or with a private boat orwith a nice organized excursion which often also includes the Skopili and Galazia seacaves. A small beach of immaculate whitepebbles mixed with gray pebbles, an imposing cliff behind with anatural rock arch sculpted by the wind, a bridge between the sea andthe mainland, offers its visitors a postcard landscape with a bluesea and intense blue from the waters clear and sparkling. Here natureis still uncontaminated and primordial and its beauty is preserved asat its origin. Obviously it is not equipped. Its position does notprotect it from the wind, so much so that we recommend consulting onthe weather conditions before booking the excursion to avoid a”shaky” journey and risk ruining your day. If you find anexit at sunset, choose it, you will witness one of the most beautifulsunsets to immortalize in the perfect photo in memory of your holidayin Skiathos.
Skopelos Stafylos beach
Just four kilometers from thecapital Chora south east of the Skopelos island, we find the Stafylos beach. Its name derives from the Minoan King Stafilos son ofDionysos and Ariadne the Minos daughter who according to the mythlanded on this beach with his brother Peparithos where his goldensword was found in the cave on the promontory today in the AthensArchaeological Museum as proof of his presence. A wonderfulbay protected from the wind, steep cliffs that rise to the skycovered with vegetation, rocks with eccentric shapes shaped by thewind and salt, a coastline of five hundred meters wide and fifteenmade of sand and small pebbles, a turquoise sea with clear waters aseabed that slopes slowly but with some sharp rocks and many shells,this is what awaits you at Stafylos beach. Perfect for snorkellinglovers where the inhabitants of the depths love to hide among thelarge boulders. It is partly equipped with all the major comforts,while one area is free and there is no problem with shade, trees dotit for shelter during the hottest hours. Reaching it is child’s play,just go south-east and follow the road signs to the car park whereyou will find a wooden staircase that leads down to the beach. Forthose who don’t have a car or a scooter, there are always public busroutes plus a fifteen minute walk.
Skopelos Hovolo Beach
Hidden and almost lost on thewest coast below the main road from Kastani to Elios, we find Hovolobeach. High cliffs adorned with maritime pines surround it enough toprotect it and keep it secret, it has a very small beach of verywhite pebbles, transparent waters and an emerald or turquoise seawith seabeds that immediately become deep and full of rocks. Wild andindomitable, even today given the difficulty in reaching it, it isstill uncontaminated and original. No sunbeds, umbrellas, kiosks andmuch less shade, only those who are able to adapt and love MotherNature madly come here. Definitely a joy for snorkelling loversthanks to its rocks which are home to lively marine fauna and flora,but those who love walking will also be able to have fun among thefairy groves on the cliffs. Here’s the difficulty how to reach it!You can get to the end of a decent road, then you will need tocontinue on foot along a dirt path where you need to go over somerocks (we recommend comfortable shoes) until you reach the beach.Also pay attention to the tide because when it is high it covers thepath and you will walk in the water.
Skopelos Velanio Beach
Just after Stafylos beach,Velanio beach is located in a south east direction, five kilometersfrom Skopelos Town. Enclosed in a scenic bay dotted with lush andthick vegetation with pine forests and high mountains that protect itfrom the winds, it will appear to you with a large coastline of sandmixed with light colored pebbles and a sea with shades of blue withshallow waters for the first meters of the shore and then graduallydescend. In reality, the Velanio beach is divided into two where onearea is made of gravel and offers sunbeds, umbrellas and a tavern forsomething to drink or eat, while the other, separated by two enormousrocks, is totally wild and has soft sand so as to being a spot wherenaturists love to gather. On the right a mysterious cave to explore,while above the beach the ruins of King Stafylos’ palace with hisroyal tomb. Ideal for a relaxing day at the seaside amidst alandscape with a tropical feel. You can reach it on foot fromStafilos beach via a path, or with your car or scooter or try with apublic bus, paying close attention to the timetables.
Alonissos Kokkinokastro Beach
To the north west, a fewkilometers from Patitiri, we find Kokkinokastro beach. A few wordsabout its name which translated would be Red Castle (kokkino- rosso,kastro – castle) as it is surrounded by a completely red cliff.Inside a bay, on a chromatic level it is a crazy place, the beach ofsand and yellow pebbles, the vegetation behind it with tall pines andan intense blue sea, seem more like a painter’s palette rather than aplace real. The waters that lap the coast are clear and crystallinewith a seabed which, however, immediately slopes away in a bit,dangerous for the little ones who will have to be monitored by sight.Paradise for those who love snorkelling, it is equipped with sunbedsand umbrellas, while for food and drink, there is a small kiosk.Super crowded during the summer period, as always the best time toenjoy it in peace is early in the morning. Don’t miss the nearbyremains of the walls belonging to the ancient Ikos city (firstname of the island) and the old submerged village. To get toKokkinokastro beach you need a rental vehicle, there are no busesthat reach here.
Alonissos Agios Dimitrios Beach
In the north eastdirection of the Alonissos, island, you find the AgiosDimitrios beach. A true paradise corner considered among one of the mostbeautiful coastlines in Greece with a turquoise blue sea, calm watersand among the clearest in the Aegean where you can enjoy idyllic daysat the seaside and long swims. Its horseshoe shape offers a beach ofwhite pebbles and the contrast with the sea gives it a Caribbeanatmosphere. The seabed descends slowly making it perfect especiallyfor families with small children. It owes its name to an ancientmonastery of which unfortunately nothing remains, destroyed by thepirates who tyrannised in the sea. The southern part is equipped withsunbeds and umbrellas while the north is free. For food and drinks, acanteen that satisfies every request. You come to the AgiosDimitrios beach not only to admire intact and lush nature, but above allfor snorkelling and since the water is so clean sometimes you don’teven need a mask. Given its size, even in high season it is notovercrowded, and let’s also say that it takes more than an hour toreach it. Take the opportunity to visit the nearby SteniVala village, famous for its taverns specializing in seafood and fresh fish.You can get to Agios Dimitros beach either with your own vehiclefollowing the road signs going north east, or with a bus to SteniVala and from there with a water taxi to reach the beach.
Alonissos Leftos Gialos Beach
It is said to be themost beautiful on the island of Alonissos, a postcard for the view.In a small bay surrounded by a thick pine forest and gray rocks onthe sides, the Leftos Gialos beach is located to the south east, afew kilometers from Patitiri. A coastline of immaculate sand mixedwith pebbles, an intense turquoise sea and crystal clear waters. Theseabed drops slowly, excellent for a refreshing swim and forsnorkeling given the lively underwater world. Its position alwaysshelters it from the winds and offers days of total relaxation and torecharge with vitamin D. It is well equipped with umbrellas, sunbeds,bars and two typical taverns where you can taste local specialtiesand Greek cuisine. For those who want more privacy, one area iscompletely free, you can place yourself wherever you feel bestinspired. Leftos Gialos beach at sunset attracts young people for anaperitif and a party until late. Reaching it is easy, just go northon the eastern side and follow the signs.
Skyros Molos Beach
We find Molos beach tothe north on the east coast just below the Chora of theSkyros island, the largest in the Sporades archipelago. A long strip ofcoarse golden sand, clean waters, a blue sea and a seabed that slopesgently for the first few meters from the shore. The southern part iscalled Magazia while just above the pier is Pouria where there is asmall church dedicated to Agios Nikolaos carved into the rock withparticular rock formations in which an ancient quarry once existed.It is well organized with sunbeds, umbrellas and taverns directly onthe beach where you can taste the local and traditional cuisine.Given its size, it never feels crowded, in fact it is perfect for aquiet day at the beach. The sunset is one of the most beautifulmoments, stay until late to admire it, perhaps sipping a colorfulcocktail in one of the many bars that line it. It is undoubtedly oneof the busiest and most organized on the island given its proximityto the capital.
Skyros Agios Fokas Beach
The beautifulAgios Fokas beach is located north west of the Skyros island. Given itsposition within a large bay, it is always sheltered from the wind andtherefore ideal for a day at the beach. It has a coastline of sandmixed with stones in some places, with a shallow seabed perfect forfamilies with small children who can play safely, crystal clearwaters and a sparkling blue sea. The landscape that surrounds itseems like a small Eden, thick and lush vegetation, promontories onthe sides dotted with Mediterranean scrub, a real refuge from frenzyand progress. In reality the bay hides several coves waiting to bediscovered. There is only one tavern which provides some sunbeds andumbrellas but arrive early because otherwise you won’t find anyavailable. To eat or drink, no problem, you will have the opportunityto choose between something light or enjoy local and traditionalGreek delicacies. To reach it you need to have your own vehicle.
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