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Home > Properties of Greek salad

Properties of Greek salad

I think the fact thatthe Greeks know a lot about many things is now a fact for anyone whohas had the opportunity to visit this magnificent land. Even in thekitchen they have managed to take advantage of it but if you are aregular visitor to the Greeks you already know that one of their mainmottos is little expense, maximum yield.

The origins of the Greek salad are very humble and come from a rural context (horiatiki salata actually means village salad in Greek). It was the food of thepeasants who in ancient times, not having much money available, hadto somehow recover their energy to face the hard work and they usedto eat some juicy tomatoes for lunch, a few olives, an onion,cucumbers, a few pieces of bread and for the luckiest even a littlecheese. The addition of the delicious feta instead belongs to morecontemporary times and is another trick of our Greek cousins. Onceupon a time in Athenian taverns a simple cucumber and tomato saladnecessarily had to have a maximum selling price set by theauthorities but with the addition of feta cheese it could be sold ata higher price.

Gradually over timeeveryone has been able to customize it and so now it can also befound with capers or caper leaves, purslane leaves, strictly greenpeppers and in some places instead of feta it is served with a cheeseaged in wine red (on the island of Kos, for example, many restaurantshave this delicious variant).

The Greek salad is a dishthat traditionally should be placed in the center of the table sothat all the guests can take it as they please and at the end makethe inevitable slipper with the sublime sauce that is formed with thedressing between the olive oil and vegetable juices.

On how to prepare a perfectGreek Salad, just go to our blog at the link below, you will have allthe notions to prepare it at home too:https://www.meraviglioseisolegreche.com/blog/curiosita/grecia–ricetta-salad-greca.aspx

But let’s go back toits benefits, salted hortiaki is a riot of nutritional values andbenefits for our health. Let’s analyze element by element to find outhow much of God there is in every single element.

Olive oil: in a healthyMediterranean diet it certainly cannot be missing and its propertiesare innumerable. It is now part of our daily life and has replacedthe fats consumed in the past, helping us to reduce braininflammation and the latest studies to fight Alzheimer’s disease aswell as keeping dangerous cholesterol under control.

Tomatoes: thanks tolycopene a natural antioxidant, it reduces the risk of heart diseaseas well as being a source of potassium, vitamin K, vitamin C andfolic acid.

Onions: in aself-respecting Greek salad the onion must be strictly white and veryclear. Also a powerful antioxidant, it is rich in calcium, magnesium,potassium, folic acid and iron as well as vitamin E. Perfect forfighting osteoporosis and heart problems.

Cucumber: One of the lowestcalorie foods due to its high water content as well as usefulvitamins and minerals. Cucumber has the power to regulate bloodsugar, regulate digestibility, maintain proper hydration and what isvery important especially for us ladies it helps to lose weight.

Pepper: always green werecommend never red, yellow or orange it could no longer be calledGreek salad! The properties of green pepper are basically vitamin Cwhich helps to better absorb calcium, a fundamental element for ourbones. It is also a powerful ally for those suffering from anemia.

Capers: first of all wespecify that if you use the buds of the flower rather than avegetable, it is classified as a spice but it doesn’t matter. Thecaper is a perfect antioxidant for the prevention of free radicals,it contains vitamin K, iron and copper. They are indicated for thosewith blood sugar problems, they help for proper blood clotting,relieve inflammation and are a healthy touch for the liver.

Feta: in the meantime, let’ssay that this cheese is very ancient, it even dates back to theHomeric age of the 8th century BC and is obtained from a mix ofsheep’s milk and rennet. Nowadays it is also mixed with goat’s milkfor a maximum of 30%. Like all unseasoned dairy products, it hasnutritional powers based on calcium, riboflavin, panthenic acid,Vitamin A, B6, B12, B, iron, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, potassium,copper, manganese and magnesium, in short, a real own hit of traceminerals and bioregulators, essential for life.

Oregano: as Hippocratesteaches us, aromatic herbs are a panacea for our body, let us alsoremember that modern medicine comes from what nature has alwaysoffered us and even the common oregano is a powerful ally for ourhealth It reduces infections, fights harmful free radicals as theyage DNA, helps heal colds, fights intestinal parasites, perfect formenstrual cramps and cancer prevention, in short, a real mine ofhealth.

So what else to add? Eat itand eat it as much as you can, your body will be able to thank youfor a complete and balanced meal but above all very good and still ata low cost.

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