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Home > Ouzo


Ouzo is considered the national drink as well as a real lifestyle in Greece as it promotes unity between people perhaps over a good plate of mezedakia (appetizers in Greek) and yes because Ouzo whets the appetiteand it is part of a ritual both in summer perhaps in a beautiful tavern by the sea, and in winter in a smoky café where you can while away the time.

Let’s start by specifying that Ouzo actually originates from Asia Minor but is now distilled mainly in northern Greece and the Chios and Lesbos islands are the largest producers. Ouzo is a drink flavored with various herbs such as fennel, coriander, angelica, anise and star anise which can be found in nature or grown directly in gardens.The recipe varies from family to family, they are secrets handed down from generation to generation and they are jealously guarded methods.

In the Mediterranean there are similar drinks such as liquorice flavored but Ouzo differs in the production process. In Europe it is the only one that has an aniseed flavor and must only be produced in a certain type of still called Amvyka.

The process takes place with the distillation and fermentation of brandy composed of fresh grape must at 96% by volume and flavored with a mix of seeds, spices such as cinnamon or clove or with Masthica, it always depends on the family recipe. The stills are strictly made of heated copper and determine the quality of the Ouzo. It must rest for hours and be decanted several times. It is then left to rest to settle the aromas for a few months until the flavored ethyl alcohol reaches 80%. Before bottling it is diluted with water until it reaches the alcohol content which must not exceed 37.5% by law.

Who prepared it for the first time still remains a mystery, some say it derives from Raki, a distillate that dates back to the Ottoman Empire, while others say that it was created by the Mount Athos monks who knew a lot about distillation and were perhaps also the pioneers in this field. A notable development of his knowledge occurred in the early 1900s when Absinthe, invented by a French doctor Pierre Ordinaire, began to run out and Ouzo was decreed as a perfect substitute and, according to many palates, even better.

The origin of its name is also much debated, according to some it derives from the Italian word “uso” and in particular from the expression “uso Messalia” which translated means “to be used in Marseille” when in 1800 the silk cocoons in France and Tsipouro of a superlative quality was made. According to others, however, it comes from the Turkish word “uzum” which means grapes. We still don’t know who is right today but it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that it exists! As with Tsipouro, Ouzo has been recognized as a DOP and IGP product and must be produced exclusively on Hellenic soil. The Lesbos island is the center of Ouzo production with 17 distilleries known throughout Greece and exporting everywhere.

Ouzo is drunk with the addition of ice cubes which must be distilled and crystalline water otherwise it alters its composition giving different scents. The correct preparation of a glass must first include the addition of water and then ice to avoid the formation of crystals. The reason why the drink becomes cloudy is linked to the essential oils of the aromas which, coming into contact with the water, decrease the alcohol content and the oils coming out of the solution give the typical opaque colour. The glass to use is a tall also called kanoakia.

The drink is often consumed with typical mezedes, the wedding is a celebration of taste, you can combine it with morsels of meat, fish, vegetables and cheeses, the result will always be the same, a bite leads to a sip and so on until you can do more. However, one fact remains, based on the origin of the Ouzo, it will be up to you whether to accompany it with food or not. For example, the drink produced in Macedonia does not contain sugar and is therefore perfect for serving with appetizers, while those from Southern Greece do not contain any so they can be drunk without the need to eat anything.

Be careful of Ouzo, you will realize that you have drunk too much only when you stand up, a nice rumor has it that when you start drinking, the Devil sits in a corner of the room and starts laughing because he knows very well how it will end if you stand up the elbow.

The best known brands that we recommend you try during your holiday in Greece 2024 are: Giannatsi di Plomari or the slightly strong Pitisiladi, and also Barbayannis, Kaloyannis, Arvanitis, Babatzim or Pilovas. Deciding which is best becomes a truly difficult task, try them all and decide the winner.

A real shame to come to Greece and not give in to tasting this wonderful drink, but always do it with conscience and moderation because it could give you after hours of happiness, hours of absolute headache!

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