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Home > Mycenae


We find the Mycenae ancient city in the Argolis region in the Peloponnese, 120 kilometers from Athens in a south east direction, not far from another important archaeological site, that of Argos. Together with Tirinto, they are part of the UNESCO heritage.

History of Mycenae

According to mythology, it was founded by Perseus, the one who killed Medusa, son of the granddaughter of the Argos Danae King and Zues. He accidentally eliminated his grandfather Acrisius in a discus throwing competition by hitting one so hard that it hit him causing his death and therefore not being able to become the Argos King, he exchanged territories with his cousin Megapenthes becomingTiryns ruler. He later founded Mycenae and reigned over both cities. The reason why the polis was created has several legends, the first tells that Perseus lost the sheath of his sword which had the mushroom shape, another instead tells that one thirsty day, he picked a mushroom where by magic it gushed out.a spring that would then feed the Perseia spring, the water supply that allowed the Mycenaeans to resist during the various attacks and for the survival of the population. When the Atreids took over on the advice of an oracle Atreus became the ruler but was then killed by his nephew Thyestes who, however, in turn, was ousted by Atreus’ sons, Agamemnon and Menelaus who with the help of the Sparta King sent him intoexile causing Menelaus to become Sparta King while Agamemnon Mycenae King. Tyndareus, Sparta King, had two daughters Helena and Clytemnestra who became the wives of the Atreus sons and it was for Helene, Menelaus wife, that the bloody and long war against Troy began due to her escape with Prince Paris. Its maximum splendor occurred during the Bronze Age, dominating a large part of Greece between 2000 and 1200 BC. An important political, military and economic center it presented itself with imposing fortifications, complicated funerary tombs of rich lords and a considerable palace where the King resided. In 1350 BC at its peak it housed around 30,000 inhabitants and was considered a very powerful city.

Mycenae, after centuries of abandonment, was discovered by the archaeologist Kyriakos Pittàkis in 1840 who found the marvelous Lion’s Gate and the façade of the Atreus Tomb but it was then Heinrich Schliemann already known for having rediscovered Troy who brought to light the magnificent hidden treasuresin the city.

What to see in Mycenae

Let’s start by saying that just the naturalistic context that surrounds the city and the archaeological site of Mycenae is already a good excuse to go during your holiday in Greece. Hidden among the hills, it is an area so important that it gave its name to an entire era, the Mycenaean one. You will be catapulted directly into Homer’s Iliad with its mythical legends andyou will have a wonderful experience while increasing your cultural baggage. First you will encounter the imposing Lion Gate, the entrance to this world that has made history by walking along paths and streets that have trampled kings and warriors. Over three meters high and three to eight meters wide, it is dominated by a monolith decorated with two lions facing each other and opens the imposing walls that protected the city. Legend says that its construction was carried out by a Cyclops, the mythological figure of the one eyed giant. Following the road and the stairs you reach the Royal Palace of Agamemnon where you can observe the remains of his private rooms.

Also don’t miss the Atreu Treasury s as well as the Agamemnon tomb, a circle shaped construction where, according to rumors, the king was buried although it has never really been proven that it was actually him. Six other tombs have been found throughout the area with the remains of nineteen people including that of Clytemnestra, Agamemnon wife.

Below the ancient city is the Mycenae Archaeological Museum  which preserves historical ruins useful for better understanding how significant it was in the ancient world. A permanent photographic exhibition recounts the excavations and you can admire over 2500 finds relating to the Mycenaean civilisation. If you want to see the famous Mask of Agamemnon you will have to go to the Archaeological Museum of Athens as it is preserved there.

Without a shadow of a doubt, a stop to include among the things to see in the Peloponnese and if you want, write to us at info@meraviglioseisolegreche.com for a tour that will take you to one of the most important areas of old Greece.

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