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Home > Meaning of the Greek Flag

Meaning of the Greek Flag

Personally we are very curious people and we love to know even the most obvious things and above all we like to ask unusual questions.

When we first decided to go to Greece (centuries ago.), we looked for the meaning of the flag and today we want to share this information with you.

Ok it will certainly not be useful for your holiday like knowing which are the best beaches or where you can eat better, but it is always a bit more knowledge that will certainly make you look great if someone asks you for it.

The colors Blue and White represent respectively the color of the sea and that of the foam of the waves, as well as the purity of the Greek soul.

The alternating stripes are 9 like the syllables of the phrase Ε-ΛΕΥ-ΘΕΡ-ΙΑ Ή ΘΑ-Α-ΤΟ (freedom or death and this shows the attachment to the land of this beautiful nation).

According to another version there are 9 like the letters of the word ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ (read Elefteria).

The Cross is a recognition to the Orthodox Christian Church, a special tribute to the role it played during the long Ottoman domination, as a glue and the only means of cultural transmission.

The priests even formed “clandestine schools” some still visible as in Kalymnos where there is the cave called Secret Scool, which you can admire arriving by boat with our boat excursion www.infotourskos.com/

This is how when you see the flag you too will know the meaning and you can teach it to those who don’t know it yet.

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