The Orthodox Religion is considered the second largest Christian Church in the world. It differs from its older sister in that it does not recognize any religious authority either on earth or above it and is based on the holy tradition of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He does not have an authority like the Pope but the Constantinople Ecumenical Patriarch has been recognized by all the Bishops (the successors of the Apostles) as a representative and spiritual leader for almost eighteen centuries.
One of the oldest religions still in existence, it was fundamental in the Christianity history and claims to have been founded by Jesus Christ and honored as the custodian of the original Christian faith. The Orthodox recognize seven sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Confession, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Marriage.
Baptism involves three immersions and indicates the birth of the baptized person in Christ. The Orthodox also impart Confirmation immediately after Baptism with a rite of anointing that transfers the Holy Spirit. The Eucharist binds the person to Christ with the ritual of eating and drinking the body and blood of Christ also known as Transmutation. The Priest consecrates the fermented wheat bread (Christians use unleavened bread) and usually offers the consecrated wine with a golden spoon, pronouncing “Take and drink, all of you”. Communion in the Orthodox rite occurs at the invocation of the Holy Spirit. Penance is not imparted in the confessional as it does not exist, and above all it is not a liberation from sins on the part of the priest but rather a prayer to ensure that the penitent receives forgiveness from God. The anointing can also be received by those who have aspiritual pain and not just at the point of death. Holy Orders are the sacrament that appoints the Church ministers and is divided into three degrees, the bishop, the presbyter and the deacon. The latter two can also choose to marry but must do so before taking the Sacrament. The Bishop, on the other hand, must be absolutely celibate and is free to accept the degree or not. Finally, marriage, as for Catholic, is a union of love but does not recognize divorce.
It is said to have arisen at the end of the 2nd century when Christianity began to break away from its basic doctrines. Orthodoxy means “right doctrine” and expresses the original evangelical message of Jesus Christ. At the basis of everything remains Tradition which testifies to it through the Bible, the sacred writings, the doctrines and the Creed. For the Orthodox, the Holy Spirit acts to show the faithful the truth through history and traditions. The Roman Empire at the beginning of the 4th century recognized Christianity with the aim of standardizing and centralizing the Church under the command of the political power and it was precisely in 451 with the Chalcedon Council that the two thoughts divided giving rise to the split called preciselyGreat Schism. Among the causes of the division, we recall the innovations considered such by the Orthodox but heresies by the Catholics such as that of using fermented bread instead of unleavened bread or compulsory ecclesiastical celibacy. Another difference is the fact of not recognizing purgatory and above all it is believed that man was created free to choose between good and evil and not with created grace, but man chose evil, condemning himself tohell. With the arrival of Jesus Christ, however, man and God united, becoming Theosis.
The Orthodox, as well as the Catholics, consider Easter one of the most important events. It is considered as a day of hope and salvation with the victory of light over darkness. It is always held on the first Sunday after the spring equinox at the appearance of the first moon and follows the Julian calendar. Holy Week begins with Willow Sunday (for Catholics it is Palm Sunday) where blessed willow sprigs are distributed which will be kept in homes throughout the year and a strict fast begins which excludes everything that contains blood. Wednesday is dedicated to the celebration of the Passion of Christ and the betrayal of Judas, on Thursday the last supper is commemorated, on Friday to the liturgies and after 2pm to a white sheet representing the Dead Christ is displayed in the center of the church. On Saturday the body of Christ is commemorated in the Sepulcher and at midnight the faithful, each with their own candle, follow the Cross which is carried in procession while the bells ring in celebration to then participate in the Holy Mass. Orthodox Easter also has very ancient rites of bringing something to eat or even eating lunch directly to the grave of a relative on Sunday morning.
The Veneration of the Virgin Mary is also one of the foundations of the Orthodox, there are many legends that revolve around the Mother of Jesus to whom many churches have been dedicated which inside preserve sacred icons arrived by Divine grace, or how can we not mention the mystical Mount Athos forbidden to women only because it is for the exclusive use of the Madonna. According to the Orthodox, the Virgin Mary, the Theotókos (Mother of God) is the life giver of God.
Without a doubt an interesting and vast topic, being able to explain it in a few words is impossible as for all religions but it can certainly broaden your knowledge of this wonderful country that is Greece.
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