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Home > Kastania Cave Peloponneso

Kastania Cave Peloponneso

And here we are with another exciting excursion to do during your holiday in Greece if you decide to visit the Peloponnese rather than the fantastic island of Elafonissos, the Kastania Caves.

We find them about twenty kilometers from Elafonissos, right in the homonymous village on the eastern tip of Laconia, about twenty minutes by car to Neapoli. Kastania Caves are considered to be among the most beautiful and important in all of Europe for its particularity and beauty.

Taking more or less three million years, Mother Nature once again wanted to create for us an almost magical fantastic landscape, developed in two levels made of rock formations that drop by drop gave life to stalactites and stalagmites with bizarre and original shapes. ranging from animal rather than human figures, developing in the visitor a sort of fairy world based on personal imagination and fantasy.

Gigantic columns and immense waterfalls with colors ranging from red to white calls, curtains and sheets, on the roof figures that look like octopuses and corals, elephants, birds and mushrooms, a riot of monumental creatures, and even real geological rarities such as the flat stalagmites and finally the presence of small insects of the Dolichopoda species, which is difficult to meet only if you are particularly lucky, small wingless, blind and deaf grasshoppers that live in places without light.

A picturesque legend revolves around the Kastania Caves, it is said that its discovery was made by a shepherd in one day while he was looking for a source of water to water his animals, he saw a crack and opening it he discovered this fantastic world.

How to get to the Kastania Caves

Direction Neapoli from wherever you arrive first of all, then you have to take a road that passes through the villages of Lachi (Kalenia) and Paradeisi that will take you to the slopes of Mount Parnon in the east, practically on the opposite side of Neapoli. Just outside the cave you will find a small café and the church of Sant’Andrea.

For more information, consult the website https://www.kastaniacave.gr/en/

A wonderful experience to discover the underground world as well as the pleasure of traveling through the Peloponnese, a land still to be discovered.

We will never stop thanking Francesca del Vecchio Frantoio, for letting us discover and that she will be able to accompany you for another wonder of Laconia as well as always being willing to give you all the information regarding her island of Elafonissos. https://www.meraviglioseisolegreche.com/isole-greche/elafonissos/il-vecchio-frantoio.aspx

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