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Home > Hummus Recipe

Hummus Recipe

Hummus is a very tasty dish found in Greek cuisine and is usually used as an appetizer to accompany pita bread. Its origins are very ancient and it can be found in Greece, Turkey and throughout the Middle East so much so that its origin is often a dispute between the areas where it is usually served.

The word Hummus derives from the Arabic which means “chickpeas” one of the main ingredients of this delicious food that has been cultivated for over ten thousand years. The most ancient and similar recipe was found in Cairo in the 13th century, while some claim that its origin is Jewish because it was mentioned in the bible 3500 years ago and still others that it comes from Lebanon precisely from Damascus.

A curiosity: in 2008 there was a real “Hummus War” between Israel and Lebanon for paternity, so much so that the Lebanese sued the Israelis for copyright infringement asking for a petition from the European Union for the recognition of Hummus as food belonging to the state of Lebanon.

Who really is the inventor of Hummus I know so much will always remain a mystery, it is certain that we must thank for having made available such a healthy and nutritious foodIn fact, this delicious cream of chickpeas and tahini is rich in protein, potassium, iron, folic acid, vitamins B6, fiber, manganese and magnesium, a real full of well-being.

Another fundamental element for the Hummus recipe is the Thaina, a sesame seed paste that today can be found ready but in the past it was made by toasting the seeds and then pounded in a mortar together with oil, lemon and salt. Remember that without Thaina it is not Hummus!

It can be kept in the refrigerator for two or three days, the important thing is that it is covered with a transparent film. Usually the day after the preparation it is even better and you would never stop eating it.

So here is the recipe to make it at home:

Ingredients for 4 people

300 grams of boiled chickpeas

2 table spoons of thaina

1 lemon

1 clove of garlic

1 tables poon of cumin seeds

50 ml of extra virgin olive oil

Salt to taste

paprika powder to taste

Remove the skin from the chickpeas and set aside some of its cooking water (you may need it if your cream is too thick). Put the chickpeas, thaina, cumin, lemon juice and garlic in a bowl or directly in the blender. Begin to blend at the highest speed and slowly add the oil slowly until a cream is formed. If it is too compact, you can soften it with a little cooking water from the chickpeas that you have kept aside. Once you have reached the perfect consistency, sprinkle with paprika and your Hummus will be ready to be “devoured”.

A simple and quick recipe all in all but that will make you look great and which you will no longer be able to do without.

Remember to look for it and taste it during your holiday in Greece and maybe even discover the secrets of the variations that can make a difference in each area.

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