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Home > Greece Covid-19 Hand luggage new rules

Greece Covid-19 Hand luggage new rules

The European Aviation Safety Agency EASA has had to make changes due to COVID-19 as regards the rules for loading cabin baggage in the cabin.

From 1 July 2020 until a date to be defined, it will no longer be possible for travelers to have hand baggage to take with them on the plane, but they must all be put in the hold together with any suitcases over 10 kg. All trolleys will be placed in the hold. On board you can bring a women’s bag or a small backpack with personal effects, PC or tablet that will be positioned under the armchairs in front of your feet.

This decision was made to avoid gatherings during the flight if a passenger has to take something and especially at arrivals where everyone crowds in the corridor standing waiting to get off.

However, the ban on the use of overhead bins will not apply to flights where social distancing is made and where full travel is not carried out.

You should also be aware that for passengers occupying the first rows or seats near the emergency exits, no type of baggage can be checked under the front seat.

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