One of the wonderful magics of Nature are undoubtedly the Diros Caves. We find them on the Mani Peninsula between the capital Aeropolis and Pyrgos Dirou less than eight kilometers from each other on the western side. They are very important and are part of the Greek cultural heritage and therefore very protected and for this reason we ask you to have the utmost respect for them.
The Caves are of a shocking beauty where with skill and patience time and the universe have chiseled a landscape made of white stalagmites and stalactites as well as glittering crystals that give the place that mysterious and majestic something.
During a violent earthquake in 4 BC the inhabitants of the area were forced to flee into the caves and, as proof of human presence, archaeological finds of ceramics were found at the natural entrance to the sea with a diameter of just half a metre. The cave dates back to the Neolithic period and can tell a lot about this territory so different and full of secrets. The carbonate precipitate-based formations that are currently underwater were actually once outside as the sea level was decidedly lower. Some even lie seventy-one meters deep while the bottom reaches eighty meters. It once had other entrances which gradually closed due to atmospheric events and earthquakes. Inside, fossil bones of hippos, hyenas, panthers, lions and deer were found. The water inside is brackish and extremely hard with a temperature of 14 degrees while the air fluctuates between 16 and 19.
The feasible route reaches 1500 meters of which 1200 must be done by boat and the last 300 meters can be visited by land via special walkways. It was opened to the public in 1967 even though the local population knew of its existence already in 1900, but its discovery and the first explorations began in 1949 by the speleologists Ioannis and Anna Petrochilos who gave the world this enchanting and fundamental place for the research of the times lost. To date, thanks to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, 14 kilometers of the route have been mapped but most of the cave is still below the surface of the water.
The complex is made up of three areas. The first called Alepotripa, according to researchers, hosted hundreds of people, the oldest and most important prehistoric village in all of Europe before it collapsed, leading to the death of all the inhabitants who occupied it. The largest chamber is over one hundred meters wide and sixty meters high. Given its size, inside it there is also a lake where Jacque Cousteau made one of his legendary explorations. Near the entrance there is a small and interesting museum full of remains found inside the cavities.
The second is called Vlichada and together with the first they can be visited by sailing on small boats for most of the journey through scenic tunnels and narrow passages. Finally, the last one called Katafugi, about three hundred meters west of the Alepotripa cave at twenty-five meters above sea level, has narrow openings at the entrance where during the rule of the Ottomans and at the time of the pirates the population took refuge to do not fall as slaves and in the worst case scenario killed.
It is essential to have your own transport, there is no public transport that reaches here. Coming from Sparta and after reaching Gythio, you need to continue towards Aeropolis and then get off at the village of Pyrgos Dirou. Don’t be afraid there are signs indicating the way.
Before entering you will have to purchase tickets which cost around €15 per person and then arrive at the car park, leave your vehicle and enter the cave. Near the rest area, you will find a small beach, an ancient chapel and a small bar for something cold to drink. They are open all year round and in winter the closing time is 3pm.
A beautiful experience to have during your holiday in the Peloponnese and in particular in the Mani Peninsula, for a different day but which will nourish your knowledge of this beautiful land as well as admiring one of Mother Nature’s miracles.
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