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Home > Cancellation Booking Flights to Greece Covid-19

Cancellation Booking Flights to Greece Covid-19

Below we give you some information to date regarding the directives of the Airlines for flight cancellations. Still everything is to be defined according to the individual States and the decisions that will be taken for the displacements of the next summer season.

Lovers of Greece, we cross our fingers and we hope that everything will work out better and reach our beloved Earth again for this year:

RYANAIR: In case of flight cancellation which is usually made 15-20 days before departure, a refund or a change of date (time for modification 15-20 days) may be required. Usually they send a notification email. Https://biti.ly/RyanairCambioVoli

BLUEXPRESS: The airline confirmed the stop to Greece until May 31, 2020. Consequently, flights from June 1 are confirmed until further decisions are made. For more information, here is the email to contact contact@blue-panorama.com

EASYJET: In case of cancellation that is communicated via email, you can have either an economic refund, or a voucher that can be spent by April 2021 on any date and destination. Refund time and voucher delivery 15-20 days. https://www.easyjet.com/en/policy/coronavirus/online-support/q8

VOLOTEA: In case of flight cancellation (they are canceled week by week) based on the type of flight purchased, a refund or voucher is provided. We advise you to visit the site to understand which category you fall into: https://www.volotea.com/en/information/information-regarding-coronavirus-covid-19/

AEGEAN: In case of cancellation based on the type of fare you buy, you can either have a refund or a voucher to use, we advise you to read the instructions on this site  https://en.aegeanair.com/plan/booking-info/changes-cancellations/?_ga=2.100328734.1241436551.1589305687-1332804887.1575976503

NEOS: To date, the airline confirms flights from 01 June 2020. In the event of a flight cancellation, a refund or reprotection will be provided. You will be notified via email about the flight situation. We advise you to consult the link https://www.neosair.it/en/coronavirus

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