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Home > Attività Isole > syros > Spiaggia di Ampela

Spiaggia di Ampela

Ampela beach alsocalled Abela, is located in the southeast part of the Syros Island one kilometer from the Megas Gialos beach. The capital Ermoupoliis in a northerly direction compared to Ampela at about thirteenkilometers.

A small coast, a realgem of Syros where you come to spend quiet hours at the beach. Givenits size, it fills up quickly so if it is one of your stops duringyour holiday in Syros, remember to come early in the morning.

A beach of soft golden sand, transparent, crystalline and a little cold waters (after all, as inthe whole island), a blue sea with shades of turquoise and a seabedthat descends gently for the first few metres, perfect for swimmingenthusiasts and families with children. The small cove on the sideshas rock formations where the more adventurous can also risk taking aspectacular dive while all around there are tamarisk trees ideal forshelter during the hottest hours. Snorkeling enthusiasts, on theother hand, will be able to get lost among the rocks and admire thedepths, so it is essential to remember to pack fins, a mask and asnorkel in your bag.

It is equipped with a few sunbeds and umbrellas, which is why our advice is to come early, butif you are a sleepyhead and will reach it when it is fully booked,you can spread out your towel in the free areas, perhaps right undera tree where you can abandon yourself in your arms of Morpheus for afew hours. However, keep in mind that given its position and themountain it goes into the shade very soon.

Abela beach is like atreasure chest, beautiful, secluded, serene, peaceful and shelteredfrom the winds thanks to the peaks that protect it. A quiet cove butwhere nothing is missing. As for catering, in the immediate vicinitythere is a typical tavern where you can find something refreshing todrink and something to eat such as a light and quick meal or dishesof classic Greek and territorial cuisine. If it is not to yourliking, you can always stop there and you will find other smallrestaurants where you can sit and have lunch as well as someaccommodation facilities in case you decide to stay right here foryour holiday.

How to get to Ampela Beach

Nothing could be easier andlet’s say even a good luck seeing that some coasts are realnightmares to reach…

There are two ways to getthere. The most practical with your own vehicle, whether it’s a caror a motorbike, makes no difference. Take the state road that leadsto Posidonia and follow for Mega Gialos. Once you reach Mega Gialos,follow the road signs and after about a kilometer you will be at yourdestination.

If you don’t intend to driveon your holiday in Greece, you can get there by public transport.Final stop Mega Gialos, from here follow the walking path from thechurch of Agios Antonios which winds along the chapel of Ahia Theklaand in no time you will be there.

For a better knowledge of theisland, put Abela beach among the things to see in Syros, it will bea beautiful day at sea and discovery.

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