Mount Athos, kingdom of Orthodox spirituality, a secret casket where the most prestigious treasures of religion are kept, where ancient manuscripts of inestimable value are only for a select few, where wild and uncontaminated nature protects them and where difficult times have not succeeded to scratch the mighty armor of faith.
Despite the continuous diatribes that have followed over the centuries without forgetting even the most recent ones, Athos preserves a pluralism within it and this is the true wealth of the Holy Mountain, anyone of any religion can visit as a pilgrim and monks of any monastery will welcome him with open arms, perhaps discussing the different religious concepts but always with immense humility and in the name of love.
All monasteries are autonomous, none from the Greek state to the Ecumenical Patriarch can decide for them except for the spiritual part but in limited circumstances.
Each of the twenty monasteries present, restored thanks to European funds, has its own story that tells its roots and makes their identity clearer. Below we give you some traces following a rigorous hierarchy list that is firmly respected even today.
The Great Lara Monastery in Greek Μεγίστης Λαύρας
It is the largest and oldest of all the Orthodox monasteries present in Athos and is the first in the hierarchy. It has about 370 monks and is located in the southernmost part. It is dedicated to Saint Athanasius the Athonite its founder who unfortunately died in a tragic event just as he was building it. It was built in 963 with the support of the Byzantine emperor Fornice II. Its fortified citadel shape measures 250 meters in length, 80 in width and a height of 160 meters above sea level. A structure in principle on four columns then changed to assume a cross shape, fifteen towers on the walls and inside thirty-seven chapels. The main church called Katholikon is one of the first to be built by the immense monastery. It was initially dedicated to the Annunciation of the Virgin, but in the 15th century it was dedicated to its Saint Athanasius who keeps his remains and his tomb in the chapel called the Forty Martyrs. The frescoes are attributed to Theophany the Cretan who also decorated some monasteries of the Meteora. Four precious icons are present in the abbey, gifts from the emperor Andronicus I Comnenus. To the Grande Lara I answer the Romanian Skita of San Giovanni Battista, the Greek Skita of Kavsokalyvia and Sant’Anna Maggiore and Minore.
Vatopedi Monastery in Greek Βατοπαιδί
It is the second in the hierarchical list and is located in the northern part of the peninsula. It was built in the mid-10th century by the monks Athansios, Nicolaos and Antonios, pupils of Saint Athanasios, the founder of Athos. A majestic complex with buildings in the shape of a triangle, surrounded by very high walls. Inside a large courtyard where the Annunziata della Madona is located, the main church with its unique wall mosaics in Mount Athos and frescoes by the painter Manuele Panselinos of Thessaloniki, and the cross-shaped table, a library with 2000 manuscripts , 35,000 volumes and bones of saints such as the ear of Saint John the Crisostimos. Numerous chapels are present in the Monastery including that of the Virgin’s Sacred enclosure where the relic from the beautiful legend is kept that tells the request of the Virgin for the belt made by her with camel hair before her Assumption into heaven. The empress of Byzantium wife of Leonte IV the wise, to thank the Virgin of the guard for her illness, embroidered with gold thread a belt dedicated to the Virgin which today is jealously kept in a silver case in the convent. Vatopedi also boasts eight miraculous icons all dedicated to the Virgin. To the monastery I answer the Skita di Sant’Andrea, Karyes and San Dimitri.
Iviron Monastery in Greek Ιβήρων
It is in third place of importance in Athos and is located in the northeastern part of the peninsula above a small bay. With an idiorhythmic statute, that is, with the concession of having private properties to allow the president to be able to provide for the sustenance of the group, it is dedicated to the Dormition of Mary whose feast is celebrated on August 15th. It was founded in 979 by Tornike Eristavi of Georgian origin who had been a great general before becoming a monk. The Georgian king David III asked for his help to face Barda II and Tornike after a first moment of hesitation decided to accept the task and returned the winner. He then returned to the Holy Mountain with a hefty reward and the support of the emperor thus starting to give birth to the monastery of Iviron. It was destroyed many times, first by pirates, then by the Franks until 1865 when it was almost totally incinerated, saving only the central church and the library which were immediately restored. It is an imposing complex with the entrance to the south, to the east the courtyard in the shape of a quadrilateral where the central church stands with the bell tower in front and the canteen on one side. On the opposite side the library. In the cloister there are the cells, the hall where pilgrims are received and the chapel of the Virgin Mary of Portaitissia where the miraculous icon is kept. Outside the convent near the sea is the Seat and the Water of the Virgin exactly where the image was found. Iviron until the sixteenth century was an important Georgian monastic center which was gradually occupied by Greek monks.
Hilandar Monastery in Greek Χιλανδαρίου
In fourth place we find the Monastery of Hilandar or Chilandari of Serbian Orthodox origin for nine centuries which is located in the northern part of the Athos Peninsula. It was founded in 1198 by Prince Stefano Nemanja and his son on the concession of the Emperor Alexis III who, in addition to having converted to monks, began construction. However, the site already existed and the royal foundation is attributed to the monk George Chilandar from whom it takes its name. A large building with the main church that on November 21 celebrates the entrance of the Virgin Mary to the Temple, various chapels, the canteen, the cells for the monks, a library considered one of the largest rich in Slavic and Greek manuscripts. Wonderful frescoes in the tower of Saint George and in the Katholikon. The miraculous icon of the Virgin May of Tricherussa is kept in the Monastery and has an interesting history behind it. It all begins with the healing of the hand of St. John the Damask who becomes a monk of Saint Savvas consecrated in Palestine, taking the icon with him. In 1217 the son of Prince Stephen Nemanja, passing by, took the image and took it to Mount Athos in the convent of Hilandar where it remained until 1347. Later it was taken to the Stundenizza convent in Serbia but when the threat of Turkish rule began to hide the Serbs put the icon on the back of a mule letting it go free with the idea that it would stop only where the Virgin Mary wished it. In reality, the mule crossed Serbia and Greece until he reached Mount Athos alone in the monastery of Hilandar averting his loss forever.
Dionysiou Monastery in Greek Μονή Διονυσίου
Fifth in order of importance, it is located in the southwestern part of Athos and is dedicated to St. John the Baptist who is celebrated on June 24th. Founded in 1375 by the monk Dionysus of Korisos with the help of King Alexis III Comnenus and his wife Theodora. On the top of a rocky spur overhanging the sea, a real masterpiece of construction is developed over walls 80 meters high. At the top, balconies and loggias practically suspended in space. It is not as large as the others but has a main church and a canteen with frescoes by Zorzi the Cretan dated 1547. A rich library of 588 manuscripts completes its wealth including the parchment of the founding act and the miniatures of the king and queen holding the golden seal. He was also financially supported by the princes of Wallachia and Moldavia. The community has 55 cenobitic monks.
Koutloumousiou Monastery in Greek Κουτλουμουσίου
Right in the center of Athos in the capital Karyes above a tree-lined hill is the sixth in the hierarchical order. With a quadrangular shape, in the center is the mother church dedicated to the Transfiguration of Christ which is celebrated on 6 August. It was founded in the 11th century by a member of a Turkish family the Kutlumusiù probably of Palestinian origin as in the dialect the name means Christ the Savior. In 1369 the smaller church was enlarged in the classic local style called aghioritico and in 1767 the patriarch Matthew of Alexandria restructured the canteen as the old one was destroyed by a fire. The Katholikon (the main church) is frescoed with paintings from the Cretan school while the chapel houses the image of the Madonna Great Protectress. A library has 662 manuscripts of which 95 are parchment and 35,000 volumes. After the Second World War it remained abandoned and in 1980 the bad weather caused landslides and cracks. Fortunately, the restructuring was then restarted and currently about 30 monks live there. The Skita di Kutlumusiana di San Panteleimon belongs to the monastery of Koutloumousiou, which is half an hour away.
Pantokrator Monastery in Greek Μονή Παντοκράτορος
Seventh among the winds, it is located to the east right on the sea and is dedicated to the Transfiguration of Jesus which is celebrated on August 6. About seventy monks live who follow the cenobite style. Founded in 1363 by the brothers Alessandro and Giovanni who before becoming monks were military commanders, with the support of Emperor Giovanni V Paleologo. Its name is in honor of the mausoleum built in Constantinople by John II. Small in size, it presents the central church with 19th century frescoes and a library with 3500 volumes and 350 manuscripts. In the monastery there is the icon of the Virgn Mary of Gerontissa, a gift from the Byzantine emperor Alexis I, the only one representing the Virgin in full figure while she is praying. The religious significance of this representation is that anyone who truly needs her will always come to her aid.
Xiropotamou Monastery in Greek Μονή Ξηροποτάμου
In eighth place for importance, it is located in the southwestern area two hundred meters above the port of Dafni. A group of Roman soldiers martyred for their Christian faith in 320 in Armenia Minor is dedicated to the Forty martyrs of Serbaste and is celebrated on 9 March. To date it has about fifty monks who follow the idiorhythmic rule, that is, the faculty of having personal possessions. Considered to be one of the oldest, it was founded by Queen Pulcheria in the fifth century, although some manuscripts attribute it to a monk named Paolo son of the emperor Michael I Rangabe or by Paolo Xiropotaminos authorized by the Roman emperor I Lecapeno in the tenth century. It holds many relics including a fragment of the Cross where Jesus was crucified and a library with 405 manuscripts and 600 books.
Zografou Monastery in Greek Μονή Ζωγράφου
It belongs to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and is located in the northern part of the Peninsula hidden on a hill covered with woods. It is in ninth place in the ranking of power and is dedicated to Saint George which is celebrated on 23 April. It was founded in the 9th century by three Bulgarian monks, Moses, Aaron and John, all from Ohrid. In the 13th century, 26 monks were slain by the hand of Emperor Michael VIII for having opposed the union of the Eastern and Western churches to which a sepulchral monument was later dedicated in 1873. The monastery of Zografou suffered raids by Catalan pirates which almost destroyed it but thanks to donations from the Danubian provinces in the 15th century it was restored. The monastery has a central church of the nineteenth century, with a phiale (an ancient Greek vase that was used in the ritual for the spreading of substances offered to the deities) and the sacred icon of St. George where the legend tells that the three founders for to establish who to dedicate the abbey they put a wooden table in the church and after long prayers she painted herself with the effigy of the Saint thus becoming one of the most precious treasures for the miraculous event. It also houses two icons: Our Lady of the Arkathistos Hymn and that of Our Lady of Epakouousa, as well as the library with 10,000 books, 388 Slavic and 126 Greek manuscripts. To date there are about twenty monks living there.
Dochiariou Monastery in Greek Δοχειαρίου
The tenth on the list is located west of Athos right on the sea and is the first one you will encounter if you arrive by boat from Ouranopolis. Considered the most beautiful of all for its scenic architecture, it is dedicated to the Archangels Michael and Gabriel. It starts with the canteen and ends at the top with a tower that dominates the surrounding landscape up to the main church built on the walls of the ancient church. It was founded in the mid-10th century by Eftimio, a pupil of St. Athanassios and preserves frescoes from the 16th century and the sacred icon of the Virgin Mary Gorgoipicoos which was located abroad in the west wall of the table. Legend has it that the monk Nilos passed with a torch in front of the icon that one day whispered to him not to put the light so close because it smoked it but the monk did not notice and continued to pass with the torch so that the Virgin to punish him he made him blind. Repentant, he began to pray for forgiveness and Our Lady listened to his pleas, making him heal. Later, the corridor was closed and the icon placed in a chapel. In the cathedral of Athens there is a crypt dedicated to the Virgin Mary and St. Eftimio.
Karakalou Monastery in Greek Καρακάλλου
Eleventh in the hierarchy, the monastery of Karakalou is located in the southeastern part of the peninsula of Mount Athos surrounded by a luxuriant vegetation of pine trees. Dedicated to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul who are celebrated on June 29, it hosts about thirty monks with a cenobitic rule. It was founded at the end of the 11th century by the monk Nicola Karakalas from whom it takes its name. Due to the continuous attacks by pirates first and the Crusaders later, it undergoes a heavy decline but from the 16th to the 17th century thanks to the participation of the Byzantine emperors and Georgian and Moldavian princes, it regains its splendor. With its beautiful tower where the view dominates the surroundings, it has a central church built between 1548 and 1563, five chapels that housed the relics of saints and a well-stocked library with 2500 books and 279 manuscripts.
Filotheou Monastery in Greek Φιλοθέου
The Monastery of Filotheou occupies the twelfth place in the list of importance and is located in the south east of the Athos at about 370 meters above sea level on a wooded slope and has its own private harbor. It is dedicated to the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary which is celebrated on March 25th. It was founded in the 10th century by Filoteo together with Arsenius and Dionysus and from the 14th to the 16th century it was inhabited only by Bulgarian monks. In 1871 a terrible fire destroyed a part of the monastery, saving the Katholikon the central church fortunately. It became a cenobitic statute in 1973 and has about 80 predominantly Greek monks. There are five Skites linked to the Filotheo monastery. In the church built in 1746 on the ruins of an ancient place of worship is preserved the icon of the Virgin Matìry with the child called the Virgin of Glukofilusa which in Greek means sweet kiss painted by Luke the Evangelist, which represents Mary tenderly kissing the baby Jesus . A rich library with 250 manuscripts and 2500 books, of which 500 in Romanian and Russian.
Simonpetra Monastery in Greek Σίμωνος Πέτρας
Considered one of the most majestic and difficult built buildings in the world, it is located in the southwestern part of the Athonite peninsula on a steep cliff 230 meters above the sea level. A true work of construction engineering that just seeing it from afar gives goosebumps for its magnificence. It occupies place number thirteen on the hierarchical list and is dedicated to the Birth of Christ which is celebrated on December 25th. It is called the “New Bethlehem” for its beautiful history. Founded in 1357 by San Simone, an ascetic who initially lived in solitude and poverty in a cave near the monastery that still exists today, on Christmas night he saw a light that rested on the rock where the abbey now stands and realizing that it was a divine will, he decided to erect a monument dedicated to Jesus in that place. With the financial help of the lord of Macedonia Giovanni Ugles and the brother of the King of Serbia, I completed this seven-storey marvel that rises to the sky with loggias and balconies suspended in nothingness. Over the years it has suffered violent fires but each time it has been rebuilt in the same way. It preserves very important relics such as the left hand of Mary Magdalene which is celebrated on 22 July. It houses about sixty monks.
Aghiou Pavlou Monastery in Greek Μονή Αγίου Παύλου
The Monastery of St. Pauk is in fourteenth place in the monastic republic and is located in the southwestern part. It is dedicated to the Presentation of Christ in the Temple and is celebrated on February 2nd. Founded in the 9th by the hermit Paolo who left the Monastery of Xiropotamou to undertake a life alone, it was recognized independent only in 1380 when the Serbian monk Roman enlarged it and also began to cultivate the vineyards in order to make the community autonomous. it had widened. In 1447 the central church was built thanks to the help of the tyrant Sergio Giorgio Brancovic and in 1839 the church was rebuilt by Tsars Alexander I and Nicholas I. It has twelve chapels including the most famous one dedicated to St. George with wonderful frescoes by Cretan era of the sixteenth century. The Monastery has an immense treasure the gifts that the Magi brought to the child Jesus who keeps in the treasury and only a part of them is sporadically exposed. There are also relics of sacred art, icons, vestments and the relic of the skullcap of Santa Febronia, the Turkish martyr who is celebrated on June 25, which is located inside a precious filigree reliquary with gems. It houses about thirty monks and is in control of the Skite of Nea Skiti and the Skita Rumena of St. Dementrio.
Stavronikia Monastery in Greek Σταυρονικήτα
The smallest and the “poorest” of all the monasteries and occupies the fifteenth position in importance. It is located in the center of Mount Athos on the east side 50 meters above sea level and was the last to be built. It is dedicated to St. Nicholas who is celebrated on 6 December and to the Annunciation of the Virgin. A cenobitic state, it was founded in the 9th century. There are two versions regarding paternity, the first is that it was a skita from the Philotheou Monastery, the second from bishop Nikiforos Stavronikita. In 1533 the abbot Gregorio Geromeriatis recovered it with the whole territory and in 1541 Jeremiah I patriarch of Constantinople made it independent. It has the shape of a fortress and the central church built in 1536 houses the icon dedicated to St. Nicholas and the frescoes by the Cretan artist Theophanis. As for the icon of the Saint, legend has it that it was found in a net by some fishermen and that there was a large mussel on the forehead. When they took it away, the icon began to bleed and the terrified fishermen handed it over to the patriarch Jeremiah. It has a library with many important books as well as liturgical vessels, crosses and precious relics.
Xenophontos Monastery in Greek Μονή Ξενοφώντος
It is located in the northwestern part of the sea between the monasteries of Dochiariu and San Panteleimon. It is the sixteenth and is dedicated to St. George which is celebrated on April 23rd. It was founded in 1010 by the monk Xenophon with the help of the emperor Basilio and later the admiral Nicephorus III Botaniate, who converted to monasticism and became the prior, enlarged it further. It has two main churches dedicated to St. George and St. Demetrio and has 14 chapels. After the fall of Constantinople, it was almost abandoned but was later occupied by monks of Serbian and Bulgarian origin. In 1817 a tragic fire largely destroyed it but in the 19th century it was rebuilt. In the smaller church, which is also the oldest, there are 16th century frescoes by the artist Antonios. It also has two 12th century icons dedicated to St. George and St. Demetrio. The library collects 4000 books and 300 manuscripts of inestimable value. Last but not least, the icon of Our Lady of Odighitria which was initially located in the Monastery of Vatopedi, in 1730 by magic disappeared from its place despite the fact that the church was locked and then found in the church of Xenophontos. The monks promptly returned it and even more restrictive security measures were taken but when the church of Vatopedi was reopened the icon was once again gone and for the second time it was found in Xenophotos. At that point the monks of the two convents understood that it was the will of the Virgin Mary and left her in her place without touching her anymore.
Osiou Grigoruou Monastery in Greek Μονή Γρηγορίου
In the seventeenth place the monastery of Osiou Grigorou, is located in the southwestern part of the Sacred Mountain and is dedicated to St. Nicholas who is celebrated on December 6. Since 1840 under the cenobite rule it has about seventy monks. Founded in 1345 by the hermit Gregorio Sinaita, only after a few years he had to abandon the monastery due to the Turkish threat and with the whole community he took refuge in Serbia. In the 16th century the military commander Stefan Cel Mar of Moldavia restored it but in 1761 a strong fire destroyed it. A few years later, however, fortunately with the help of wealthy people it was rebuilt in its entirety. The main church of 1779 has frescoes by Gabriele and Gregorio di Castoria and preserves the icon of the Virgin nursing the “Galaktotrofusa”. Like all monasteries, Osiou Grigorou also has a library with 163 manuscripts.
Esfigemenou Monastery in Greek Εσφιγμένου
Eighteenth place for the Monastery of Esfigemenou which is located in the northeastern part of the Atonite peninsula, the most northern of all. It is dedicated to the Ascension of Jesus and is celebrated on May 13th. Built in the fifth century by the empress Elia Pulcheria, unfortunately it was destroyed following a landslide. In the eleventh it was rebuilt and remained active until the conquest of the Ottomans. St. Gregory Palamas lived an important Orthodox theologian and also one of the greatest monks of modern times Father Piasisos. The monks are still in conflict with the Patriarch of Constantinople as they oppose the rapprochement of the Orthodox Church with the Catholic one, several attempts even with the force of the police have been made to remove the “rebels” but all has been in vain. For this reason, it does not enjoy any kind of support and funding like other monasteries. It has a beautiful 12th century mosaic icon of the Savior and a calendar of the Saints decorated with precious miniatures.
San Panteleimon Monastery in Greek Μονή Αγίου Παντελεήμονος
Penultimate place in the hierarchy for this beautiful Monastery located on the west coast of Athos between the Monastery of Xenophontos and the port of Daphne. Also called the Russian Monastery, it is dedicated to the Saint of the same name and is celebrated on July 27th. It was born in the 11th century by Russian monks who initially lived in the Xylàrgu skita. In 1237 due to the invasion of the Tartars, the arrival of the monks from Russia was interrupted and they were replaced with Serbian monks who remained until the Ottoman period. In 1812 the main church was built and religious began to arrive from Russia again. In 1888 the magnificent Russian-style church dedicated to the Protection of the Virgin came to life together with the bell tower that still holds the largest bell in the Balkans weighing 13 tons, 8 meters high and 3 meters wide. In 1892 the great refectory was built and in 1899 the church of the Skite di Sant ‘Andrea. The Monastery of San Panteleiomone is an imposing construction and almost gives the impression of being a small citadel. Inside its library there are 1320 manuscripts in Greek, 99 manuscripts on parchment in Slavic language, of which the oldest in the New Testament.
Konstamonitou Monastery in Greek Κωνσταμονίτου
Last in twentieth place the Monastery of Konstamonitou in the south east part of the Peninsula of Mount Athos. It is dedicated to Santo Stefano Protomartire and is celebrated on December 26th. Its foundation has two different origins, the first is that it was Constantine I, the second instead by the hermit named Kastomonites. In the 14th century, it was abandoned due to continuous pirate attacks but in the 15th century with the support of the Serbian princes, it returned to its splendor. In 1717 a devastating fire completely destroyed the east wing, but in 1818 the abbot Chrysanthos restarted the reconstruction thanks to the generosity of the wife of Ali Pascià di Tepeleni. However, in the middle of the century the very poor monks are placed under the tutelage of the Atonite community. In 1867 the new central church was built. Its position has never benefited the Convent as it is very difficult to reach because it is immersed in a dense forest. It has five chapels with the icons of Saint Stephen of the eighth century, two icons of the Virgin that of Hodeghetria and that of Antiphonetria as well as a fragment of the cross where Jesus was crucified. The library houses 5000 books and 110 manuscripts.
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