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Home > Attività Isole > tinos > Marathokeftedes Recipe

Marathokeftedes Recipe

Keftedes in Greek means meatball, so when you are in our beloved Greece and the restaurant in the menu you see this word, know that we are talking about meatballs. The Greeks make them in every way, with meat, with vegetables with cheese, in short, with everything that the earth offers.

On the Tinos island, a true pearl of the Aegean where spirituality is deeply felt, in fact it is a very well known destination for religious pilgrimages, offering these delicious delicacies based on cheese and wild fennel that are found everywhere in Greece.

A valid alternative to the classic meat, lighter (they will be like a drug you will want to eat one after the other until it bursts) and with typically Mediterranean flavors.

Try them if you are guests on the Tinos island, or have fun preparing it at home.


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