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Home > Attività Isole > lefkada > Karia and the traditions of the Lefkada hinterland

Karia and the traditions of the Lefkada hinterland

Lefkada never ceases to amaze even when you move away from its coasts. In fact, a delightful mountain village, called Karia, is hidden in the heart of the island. Made of stone houses and narrow streets, in the center of which stands a picturesque and unique square. Here the trattorias and restaurants of the town gather. And you can sit down for a tasty dinner, this time with meat specialities. Along the square, you will see sources of fresh water to surround this singular picture of the town.

Reaching Karia is a real leap into the past. Not only because of the location and architecture of the village. But also for its inhabitants and the traditions they preserve. You will happen to be able to admire the women of the village wearing the typical costumes of the place. As well as being able to observe and buy the best known handicraft products of Karia. Just in the hinterland of Lefkada the ‘karsanica’ are famous, i.e. crochet work made by the women of the village. Some small shops scattered in the hamlet will allow you to take one home as a souvenir.

If you happen to be here during the month of August, you will also have the opportunity to witness a very particular local custom. That is a historical representation of the wedding ceremony as it once took place. A very special event.

To get to Karia you travel 14 km from the capital Lefkada, in a harmonious and scenic route in the island’s hinterland. However Karia is not only the only attraction for those who are on a trip here. In the same area there are also the villages of Eglouvì and Pigadissani. Even these with the typical conformation of mountain villages.

Lentils are grown and highly appreciated in the area of Eglouvì, to be tasted for a one hundred percent local gastronomic experience. Still in the area of Eglouvì, on the nearby plateau of Aghios Donatos, one last interesting discovery. The so-called ‘voltoi’, or stone structures whose construction dates back to the period of Venetian domination. They were originally used as warehouses for crops, and were also used as shelter until the Second World War. Today they remain as evidence of a distant past, an interesting glimpse of history to break up the mountain landscape of the hinterland of Lefkada.

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