The remote Hovolo beach, wefind it on the west coast of the green Skopelos Island under themain road that leads from Kastani beach to the village of Elios. Thecapital Skopelos Town is about nineteen kilometers exactly on theopposite side.
Hidden between high cliffs dotted withmaritime pines, it has a narrow coast of snow-white stones, clean and crystalline waters, a turquoise and emerald colored sea with depthsthat descend quite quickly and mainly made up of rocks, therefore notexactly easy for so enter if you are a family with small children, bevery careful, it would be better to have rock shoes to avoid slippingand ruining your holiday.
Hovolobeach is of an impressive wild beauty, given its position and thedifficulty in reaching it, it has still remained in its originalstate and offers an almost surreal landscape.
Youwill also understand by yourself that not even the shade iscomfortable here, no sunbeds, umbrellas or kiosks, if during yourholiday in Skopelos you decide to go as far as here and spend anentire day, remember to bring everything you need, from something todrink, to eat and above all since it is exposed to the sun frommorning to sunset, something to shelter you during the hottest hours.The alternative is to look for a place under the rocks that manage togive you some respite but even here, given the size of the beach,first come first served.
Hovolo beach is perfect for snorkelers, the coast hidessmall caves to be explored as well as marine fauna and flora to bediscovered. So don’t forget to bring fins, a mask, a snorkel and evenan underwater camera. If you like to take a walk instead, you willfind fairy groves on the cliffs but even in this case be carefulbecause you have to climb and therefore it would be better to havesuitable shoes, not flip flops please!
Although it is a bit challenging to get there during thesummer season, the Hovolo beach can be a little crowded even if inreality it takes little to fill it, but even just for a bath and acouple of hours of total relaxation it is worth it worth.
In reality, the coast offers its visitors many coves oneafter the other, you just need to have a little spirit of adventureand cross the rocks that naturally divide them by fording the sea.The combination of sea and rocks makes Hovolo beach a real paradisethat you absolutely must not miss during your holiday in Greece.
Then it is not impossible ordifficult, you just need to have a little good will but we are surethat upon your arrival you will immediately forget about thesacrifice (if we can call it that).
West coast direction following the paved road and theroad signs for the town of Neo Klima. Once you reach the village atthe southern end, you will find a small beach adjacent to the harborwith tall rock formations to one side. Here the road ends and you canleave your vehicle in the small free car park. At this point, take adirt path for a few hundred meters and it will be necessary to passsome rocks to get to the beach of Hovolo. Be careful when there ishigh tide because you will be walking right into the water.
A small adventure is the discovery of the Hovolo beach,so mark it among the things to do in Skopelos, it will be a beautifulday at the beach in a place that you will hardly forget.
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