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Home > The roots of the Greeks

The roots of the Greeks

Elleni is an epithet to identify the Greeks and it all comes from the mythical hero Elleno. The etymology of the word ellas in ancient Greek which is decomposable, means our (el) and people, nation or stone (las) which is connected to the legend of the universal flood after which Deucalion son of Prometheus together with his wife Pierra were the only two humans to be saved from the wrath of Zeus who tired of the human race as corrupt and unstable decided to submerge Greece to eliminate its lineage.

Duecalione on the advice of his father, built an ark where he found refuge and managed to survive the catastrophic event landing at the end of the rains on Mount Parnassus. Zeus then decided to send Hermes to fulfill the wishes of the couple who asked the God of Gods to reborn a new globe with a new generation. It was then that Zeus ordered him to collect stones during their journey and throw them over his shoulders. The boulders then transformed into new men and women, thus repopulating the sacred mother earth.

Deucalion had three children, Protogenia, Hellenes who according to gossip was actually the son of Zeus and Amphictyon. Hellenes married the nymph Orseis and they generated three more children: Dorus who was granted the opposite part of the Peloponnese, Xuthus who was given the whole of the Peloponnese and Aeolus who became ruler of Thessaly. According to the myth, Xuthus gave birth to Achaeus and Ion who in turn created two of the four most famous lineages: Achaeans, Aeolians, Ionians and Dorians who represented the people of the Hellenes.

If we go looking for the origin of Hellenes, we find different stories and being able to define which is the truth becomes difficult but above all it is necessary to dedicate years of study because the history of Greece is so immense that getting to the bottom of it is almost impossible. The ethnonym Ἕλληνες Hèllēnes dates back to the times of Homer, in fact in the Iliad, Ἑλλάς Hellàs and Ἕλληνες were names of the tribe also called “Myrmidons” who had as their leader the glorious and valiant Achilles.

Over the centuries, the definition Hellene, changes meaning attributing different aspects to it. We can cite for example when he assumed the concept of barbarian thus defining Hellene all foreigners who did not speak the Greek language which in the past was a sort of stammering thus becoming in all respects a derogatory adjective that meant illiterate or uncivilized since a true Hellen was educated, knew philosophy and had the concept of rules and laws as well as speaking the mother tongue perfectly, or for the religious aspect when he defined the word pagan since the Greeks were more inclined towards philosophy and in essence were atheists or polytheists.

But let’s know more about Hellen. King of Ftia, a city of Thessaly, he is recognized as the founder of the Greeks from whom his descendants gave life to this extraordinary people. His sons generated the four tribes of continental Greece, from Aeolus who then succeeded his father in Phthia, descended the Aeolians, from Dorus the youngest, after migrating to Mount Parnassus founded the Dorians, finally Xuthus who took refuge in Athens because he was accused of theft by his brothers, descended Achaeus and Ion from whom the populations of the Achaeans and the Ionians were born.

The history of Greece and the Greeks themselves always has a million shades but we can still say that in any way it is told it always manages to arouse interest and generate a charm all its own that distinguishes it always and everywhere a charm all its own that distinguishes it always and everywhere

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