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Home > Attività Isole > creta > Useful numbers Crete

Useful numbers Crete

For all travelers who decide to spend their holidays in Greece and in particular in Crete, we have thought of giving you a list of useful numbers in case of need.

However, the rule remains that if you are traveling with Meravigliose Isole Greche, the free assistance is active 24 hours on 24 for any of your needs.

Enjoy your stay in Greece!

European emergency number 112, from cell phones and landlines

Police: 100

Fire Brigade: 199

Ambulance: 166 (may prove to be a long wait if you call from outside the city)

Elpa: 10104. Elpa is the national roadside assistance service. If you are registered with a similar association in your country, by presenting the card, your expenses will probably be covered and no additional cost will be required. If you are unsure, try it anyway. Many car rental agencies have contracts either with Elpa, or with other breakdown assistance organizations.

Tourist Police Agiou Artemiou 1, Nea Alikarnassos 2810-274046

Ambulance (First Aid) 166 2810-2222 22

Bus Heraklion-Lasithi 2810-245019

Bus Hania-Rethymno 2810-221765

Kazantzakis Airport 2810-397800

Daskalogianni post office square 2810-234468

Telecommunications (OTE) 121

RethymnoHospital 28 310 87100 28 310 2781 4-9

Port Authority of 28310 22276

Police 28310 22289 – 28310 25247

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