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Home > Attività Isole > rodi > The Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes Palace

The Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes Palace

In our recent visit to Rhodes, we wanted to focus on the historical part and not so much on the seaside resorts because we think it is a great alternative to a day at the beach.

According to our point of view, every time you land on a Greek island, it is an opportunity not to lose the part linked to myths and monuments because they are often unique sites.

We will begin with The Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes Palace. It is a beautiful fortress right inside the old city full of charm and alleys that form a real labyrinth.

The Knights of Rhodes or also called the Knights of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, is a chivalric religious order born in the first half of the eleventh century. It has ancient origins and their purpose was to welcome and care for pilgrims after the long and difficult journey to the Holy Land. Later their end changed, and in part the Knights Hospitallers joined the Templars in the First Crusade.

The Grand Master Palace, was built in the XIV century but unfortunately it was destroyed in 1856 due to a strong explosion of the powder magazine near the Church of St. John which was located in the opposite part of the square in front of the Palace. In 1937 it was rebuilt trying to keep the characteristics of the original as much as possible. The only parts dating back to the construction to date are the two imposing towers at the entrance.

A real fortress in the fortress, it was the nerve center where the Knights resided and the refuge for the whole population in times of danger. Inside there are various rooms with archaeological finds from Rhodes, from Kos, and from Nisysor, beautiful Hellenic mosaics (the most famous is that of the Nine Muses) and vases of Islamic and Chinese origin. Various exhibitions of different interests are also periodically organized.

Going to see it, you will seem to make a leap into the past, you can visit the old city full of mysterious corners and breathe the magical air of the medieval city.

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