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Home > Attività Isole > samos > Mikro Seitani Beach Samos

Mikro Seitani Beach Samos

The evocative and mysterious Mikro Saitani Beach mainly called Seitani beach, we find it in the northwestern part of the Samos Island and the nearest village (if we can define it that way and you will understand why in the explanation on how to get there) is that by Potami. Karlovasi is located about fifteen kilometers north-east away.

Hidden in the mountainous area of Samos, it is kept in a small bay with unique and particular characteristics. Enclosed by huge white rocks covered with verdant vegetation, Mediterranean scrub, sculpted by the wind and salt, it has a small beach of sand mixed with clear pebbles, extremely clear and crystalline waters, a sea that goes from blue to turquoise up to sparkling blue with a bottom that immediately becomes deep so if you have small children or are not experienced swimmers be careful.

A real earthly paradise still untouched and in its original form. Obviously there is no trace of civilization, here no umbrellas, sunbeds or kiosks for something to drink or eat, only wild nature and an intact environment, so if during your holiday in Samos you venture up here, remember first of all have appropriate clothing, better a pair of tennis shoes or trekking shoes, better still, enough fluids to spend a day and hydrate properly, food for when the stomach begins to be felt, lots of sunscreen to protect you from ultraviolet rays and something to cover you the head, an excellent parasol or one of those folding tents so as to give you a moment of respite during the hottest hours.

A place that transmits peace and serenity is in fact much appreciated by nature lovers and naturists who can freely practice nudism away from prying eyes and without disturbing anyone’s sensitivity. Here snorkelers should not forget to bring flippers and masks to explore the fantastic marine fauna and flora present in the waters of the majestic Aegean. The name Seitani comes from the Turkish word Seytan which means devil.

This is because the Mikro Seitani Beach is located just behind the Kaloperato canyon which on particularly windy days due to the natural cracks emits strange and sinister noises inside. During the Turkish occupation, the Turks who docked their ships hearing these strange sounds, believed that a demon lived right there. A thrilling experience …It should be noted that Mikro Seitani beach together with its bigger sister Megalo Seitani just after, are part of the Natura 2000 biological park as it hosts the Monachus-Monachus seal species that if you are lucky you will also be able to see.

When you want to visit these two small jewels of the island of Samos, first of all check the weather conditions as given the position they are subject to the winds that blow on the Greek Islands from time to time, sometimes forming large and dangerous waves, so be careful when entering the water especially near the rocks on the right side of the beach.

How to get to Mikro Seitani Beach

Here comes the beauty and the most interesting part of the whole adventure! In order to get to the Mikro Seitani beach, first of all you have to reach Potami and up to here nothing particular as you just have to follow the main road and the road signs. From Potami beach, you must then take a hiking trail (which is why we recommend suitable clothing) which extends for about three and a half kilometers through a lush and almost fairy landscape that indicates for Megalo Seitani the largest beach that is located after Mikro Seitani which will be the first you will meet.

Follow the red crosses passing through woods, olive groves and rock gardens until you reach the first “Paradise”. It is feasible by anyone but if you are not an expert walker, have some extra attention. The second option, certainly the most comfortable, but in our opinion the one with less charm or rather a different charm, is by sea. Every day, especially during the summer, day trips are organized that from the port of Karlovasi arrive to the beach of Mikro Seitani and Megalo Seitani, taking you in the morning and then recovering in the late afternoon.

Absolutely to visit to put among the things to do in Samos, ok a bit challenging but the effort will be amply rewarded!

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