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Home > Attività Isole > ios > Klima Beach Ios

Klima Beach Ios

The small and hidden Klima beach, we find it in the southwestern part of the Ios Island in a remote and difficult to access area. The capital Chora is about ten kilometers to the north.

A remote bay where Mother Nature still reigns undisturbed from the moment she created it, here you will be in the middle of nowhere and the only sounds you can hear are that of the sea and the wind. A coast of soft white sand, crystalline and transparent waters, a turquoise sea with emerald shades and a seabed that descends slowly for the first few meters from the shore. Just opposite the tiny and uninhabited Prasonisi islet.

Thanks to its characteristics, the Klima beach is one of the places where Caretta Caretta turtles come to lay their eggs to continue the life cycle of this delicate and endangered species of reptiles. The warm waters and the soft gravel constantly beaten by the sun due to the absence of trees, create the perfect microclimate to grow the eggs and if you are lucky but above all adventurous you can participate in this wonderful event. As always we recommend the utmost respect and caution for animals.

The area that hosts the Klima beach is of a shocking beauty above all for its simplicity and because it still reflects the original morphology of the island. Obviously a trace of zero civilization, if you decide during your holiday in Ios to go to this little secret treasure chest, remember to bring everything you need to drink, eat and shelter from the sun.

The first trace of civilization is the Mylopotas beach famous for its lively nightlife but also for its extraordinary splendor.

How to get to Klima Beach

Here now comes perhaps the most difficult part. Let’s start by specifying that there are only two ways to reach Klima beach.

The first and the simplest is by sea. You can rent a boat or look for an organized excursion that will take you comfortably to your destination.

The second solution, the most difficult but also the most beautiful from a naturalistic and landscape point of view, is on foot. From the Mylopotas beach at its end, a path starts which, passing through the hills overlooking the sea in about seventy five minutes, leads you to this corner of paradise.

Said this way it seems almost impossible, but do not worry it is not unlikely to face, you just have to be very careful of the rocks that cover and are on the path and the wild plants that grow among the stones that are often thorny and can scratch the skin. It is useless to recommend that you have suitable clothing if you decide to embark on this adventure and above all closed shoes.

Definitely a curious and unusual stop to think of including in the list of things to do in Ios for a different day to discover a piece of the island off the tourist circuit.

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