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Home > Attività Isole > lefkada > Dimosari Waterfalls Lefkada

Dimosari Waterfalls Lefkada

In the beautiful Lefkada island, just an hour outside Nidri, a pleasant tourist resort in the central part on the east side, there are the beautiful Dimosari Waterfalls. Lefkada between the Ionian Islands, thanks to its position, is rich in rains during the winter and spring, making it so dense with fertile countryside, pine forests, forests, high and green mountains from which streams flow down forming ponds and waterfalls.

To reach the Dimosari Waterfalls, you have to follow for Nidri towards the town of Raki and after about three kilometers you will find a small parking lot where you can leave your vehicle. A few steps from the entrance of the area and then away, up above the hill where you will find a well-stocked bar, ideal for relaxing after the excursion with a play area for children.

The six hundred meters long walk can be done in half an hour through an easy path, among old plane trees that offer shade, bridges and steps that lead to the first small waterfall forming a small pond, until you reach the end of the path, the main waterfall about twelve meters high, surrounded by rocks and cliffs. Let’s say that Nature has been generous here and gives visitors another small natural swimming pool where you can also swim, but only if you love very cold water. We recommend rock shoes since the rocks where you can cool down in the true sense of the word would say, are irregular and slippery.

The best time to enjoy this little paradise is certainly early in the morning when the buses full of tourists have not yet arrived with the excursions organized by local agencies. Bring comfortable shoes for the walk which however is not difficult and within everyone’s reach, but being in a wild and not exactly flat context it is necessary to be equipped in the right way especially if you have children with you.

Certainly the best time to admire the Dimosari waterfalls is not exactly the summer because, due to the heat, the volume of the stream tends to decrease and in the worst case to dry out, it can still be an interesting alternative to a day on the beach and a way to discover the hidden beauties on the Lefkada island.

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