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Home > Attività Isole > kimolos > Aliki Beach Kimolos

Aliki Beach Kimolos

Aliki beach, we find it in the southern part of the beautiful Kimolos Island near the Psathi Port about a couple of kilometers from the capital Chorio.

Considered the largest of all Kimolos since it is almost the continuation of the Bonatsa beach, it offers a long and narrow coastline, about one kilometer long by ten meters wide where nature is still wild and unspoiled.

Behind a rocky landscape that like a tender embrace surrounds the area, a beach of sand and small pebbles bathed by a crystalline sea, transparent with an intense blue color, a perfect backdrop for lovers of swimming and snorkeling and diving where a lively flora and fish fauna offer discoveries and sightings to be closed in the trunk of memories.

Being quite exposed to the Meltemi wind, the Aliki beach is highly sought after by sportsmen who delight in windsurfing and kitesurfing, where they can have fun in acrobatic jumps. On the other hand, when Aeolus is in rest, it is ideal for a day of relaxation and for sunbathing.

In the vicinity of the beach you can also see the ruins of an ancient submerged city.

It is completely free, you can choose where to spread your towel anywhere. Not being equipped, it is better to bring everything you need from water to food if you want to spend a whole day. However, there is a small tavern nearby in case you fancy a full lunch. The Aliki beach is surrounded by splendid tamarisk trees that give natural shade during the hottest hours.

It will not be strange to find camped tents, the coast is very popular with those who like free camping even if a fully equipped one is not far away.


How to get to Aliki Beach

As always, we recommend having your own vehicle due to the fact that you are completely independent and have no time constraints, however there are public races that go up to here, always consult the timetables that may change according to the season. So just head south and follow the road signs. Given the small size of Kimolos, from the port you can also get there in half an hour’s walk, the choice is yours!A particular beach that has more stones than sand but which offers wonderful waters for a regenerating bath.

To be included in the list of things to see in Kimolos even if only for a short stop.

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