
Kimolos Beaches

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We find the Kimolos island to the north east of another pearl of the Cyclades Islands, the Milos island separated from the younger sister only by a small strip of sea about an hour away by boat.

Once her name was Argentiera, a name given by the Venetians during their period of domination for its white rocks of white and silver perlite still today extracted together with gypsum (kimolos in fact means gypsum in Greek).

Of volcanic origin, it offers many beautiful natural caves to visit and is mountainous enough to be a small island. The stable inhabitants are about 650 and are mostly found in the main Chorio village and in the Psathi port. Around Kimolos three small islets Agios Giorgos, Agios Efstathios and the beautiful Poliaigos all uninhabited and still untouched.

Kimolos is a quiet island, only for lovers of peace and tranquility, no nightlife, no super comforts, if you choose her for your holiday in Greece, know that everything here has a very slow pace and you can still breathe an atmosphere like in past.

But let's get to its beaches. Despite its small size we are talking about an area of 37 square kilometers, it offers its visitors a wide choice of where to spend a day at the beach, here is a trace of it so you can perhaps make a small itinerary.

Athinias Beach

Athinias beach is found on the west side about halfway up the island. It is a small bay with wonderful typically Mediterranean vegetation made up of low shrubs and some tamarisk trees near the coast which provide providential shade during the hottest hours. A beach of just one hundred meters made of sand mixed with stones, transparent and crystalline waters and a sea with sparkling colors perfect for diving. The seabed descends slowly but has stones so remember to bring rock shoes. Still almost in its natural state it is obviously not equipped so if you decide during your holiday in Kimolos to spend the whole day there, bring water, food and something to shelter from the sun if you won't find a place under the trees. Athinias beach can be reached either by sea with one of the comfortable sea taxis that you will find at the port, if you are among the luckiest ones with a private boat or via a dirt path, it would be better to have a suitable vehicle.

Mavrospilia Beach

Mavrospilia beach is located in a southwesterly direction in a beautiful bay that also includes Ellinika beach and Deakas beach but we will talk about them in detail later. The Psathi Port is more or less six kilometers away while the Athinias beach just after Mavrospilia beach is rated as one of the most beautiful in Kimos due to its magnificent golden sand coastline about a hundred meters long, bathed by a clear and clean sea with a blue color with gently sloping seabed, perfect for those who love to indulge long swims. Around rolling hills covered with lush vegetation mixed with rocks. The tamarisk trees just before the shore give precious shade as the beach is not equipped at all. For something to eat or drink, a small tavern where you can satisfy the pangs of hunger and thirst. During the summer it can get a bit crowded but a visit is a must. From Mavrospilia beach, you can enjoy breathtaking sunsets with plays of light that create an almost surreal atmosphere. Also from here it is possible to reach the ruins of Ellinika, the ancient city submerged by the violent earthquake that separated Milos from Kimolos in the past. Mavrospilia beach can be reached by land very easily by following the road signs, or if you are not autonomous with public transport that leaves from Chorio or Psathi which, however, will leave you in a bit sooner to then continue on foot in about twenty of minutes. Obviously you can also get there by sea either with a private boat or with a taxi boat. For walkers, even on foot, it is a pleasant alternative, perhaps making a detour to Skiadi.

Kalamitsi Beach

Kalamitsi beach is in a southerly direction right next to the wonderful Bonatsa beach, just to give you a more detailed indication we are about three kilometers from Chorio and four from the Psathi port. A long and narrow coast of fine clear sand, crystal clear waters, a sea with colors that go from green to blue, a sandy bottom that slopes gently, ideal especially for families with children and for those who like to spend hours swimming. Behind tamarisk trees that protect from the hot summer sun during the hottest hours. The Kalamitsi beach during the summer fills up quite as it is very convenient to get there and for its extraordinary beauty still intact and in its maximum splendour. It is not equipped with sunbeds and umbrellas, all the space is free so you can spread out your towel where you feel most comfortable and spend a nice day at the beach. As far as catering is concerned, there is a small tavern where you can find food and drinks but if you want something more supplied, just head towards the Bonantsa beach which offers several taverns, beach bars as well as accommodation in case you want to choose it as your base for the discovery of Kimolos. Also in this case there are various opportunities to reach it, with a vehicle following the signs, on foot with a nice walk of about an hour keeping the port of Psathi as a reference point, with public transport that departs from Chorio getting off at the Bonatsa or by sea with a taxi boat or a private boat.

Aliki Beach

Aliki beach is located south of Kimolos more or less a couple of kilometers from the capital Choria. It is considered one of the most beautiful beaches on the island as well as the largest, so much so that during the summer season it is one of the busiest. A coastline almost a kilometer long but narrow we are talking about ten meters made of sand and small pebbles, transparent and clear blue waters with a stony seabed rich in marine fauna and flora a real playground for snorkelling and diving lovers. The surrounding landscape is unique, wild and uncontaminated with rock formations and tamarisk trees that frame it. Its position makes it subject to the wind, in fact on days when Eolo is particularly nervous, it becomes a meeting point for kitesurfing and windsurfing lovers. When instead the God of the wind is peaceful, it becomes an undisputed destination for a day at sea. Aliki beach is not equipped but has a comfortable tavern for something to eat or drink. It will not be difficult to find people camping with a tent here, it is one of the favorite places for campers despite the fact that there is a well-equipped campsite nearby. Here too there are many opportunities to get there, by sea with a taxi boat, with a vehicle that is a scooter or car, on foot and finally by public transport.

Goupa Beach

Let's start by specifying that Goupa actually encompasses several beaches, not just one. Goupa  is an old fishing village with the characteristic "Syrmata" which were nothing more than the remittances where the boats were housed during the winter (even in Milos there is an area where you can still see them). A small town with white houses with blue windows in the classic style that distinguishes the Cyclades Islands with different areas to spend a wonderful day at the beach. The coast of Goupa is made up of small white stones, transparent waters and an almost always calm sea thanks to its favorable position, then there is the Rema beach, the Elephant beach which conquers this name for a particular rock formation that recalls the shape of the animal, and still the beach of Karas. All have in common a beach made of small clear stones, tamarisk trees behind and a fabulous sea. Reaching this little corner of paradise is very simple, from the Psathi Port you can reach it either on foot, if instead you have your own transport from the main road following the road signs or with a taxi.

Clima Beach

Klima beach is located in the northeastern part of Kimolos, just two kilometers from the capital Chorio. She is also one of the most noble and sought after during the summer period due to her extraordinary beauty. A coast of sand mixed with pebbles, clear and clean waters, a bottom mostly rocky so bring your rock shoes as a precaution with a slight slope thus making access easier, an intense blue sea and behind tamarisks that save in the hottest hours of the day. The area is subject to winds but on calm days it is a real paradise. Klima beach is not equipped so be careful and bring everything you need. Perfect for a break based on relaxation and unspoiled nature where you can fall asleep with the sound of the waves and admire the magical Aegean. Reaching it is child's play, it takes about twenty minutes on foot from the Psathi port, otherwise there are always public transport, a taxi or your own rental vehicle.

Prasa Beach

Prassa beach is located in a north-easterly direction. The best known of Kimolos island, right stuck in the Agios Georgios bay which has the small of Prasonisi islet in front of it. A beach with a Caribbean flavor for its light blue sea, clear and transparent waters with a coast of soft white sand. Its volcanic origins give it these spectacular colors thanks to perlinte, a natural material deriving from obsidian which belongs to the category of chalk. A long immaculate expanse with shallow waters up to several meters from the shore perfect for families with children. The promontory of Agios Georgios shelters it from the winds and its rock formations give life to small caves where snorkelers can have fun discovering them. Behind a luxuriant vegetation made of typical Mediterranean scrub with tamarisks shaped by the wind that give shade during the hottest hours. An intact and still uncontaminated nature that we hope will remain so. It is equipped with sunbeds and umbrellas, while a small kiosk is available for drinks and food. For the more adventurous, the Prasonisi islet with its corals all to be immortalized in the perfect photo so bring fins, mask, snorkel and an underwater camera. Reaching it is not difficult even if the area is still very wild it would be better to have a front-wheel drive vehicle especially for the final part of the road. Perhaps better and less risky (if you decide to rent a vehicle make sure that the insurance covers any inconvenience) a taxi boat or the classic walk of about an hour remains.

Bonatsa Beach

Bonatsa beach is in the northern part of Kimolos island just after Aliki beach, it could easily be defined as the extension of Aliki as they are just one after another without interruption. Psathi port is four kilometers away. A coast that reaches almost a kilometer of soft golden sand with a few small stones in some areas, crystal clear waters, an inland blue sea with a gently sloping seabed that is comfortable especially for families with small children or for those who love to go for long swims. Its favorable position always shelters it from the winds and perhaps also for this reason it is very popular during the summer season, while behind it there are tamarisk trees giving the much-needed shade during the hottest hours. Delicate water lily flowers grow spontaneously on the beach creating a magnificent natural garden. It is partially equipped with umbrellas, sunbeds, cabins and a fair choice of taverns for a full meal or something quicker and lighter to eat. To fully enjoy its popularity and the consequent crowds, it would be better to go early in the morning and benefit from so much beauty that Mother Nature once again gives us. It can be reached either with your own transport from the main road following the road signs, with public transport from Chorio or Psathi but always pay attention to the timetables, by sea and finally the classic walk of about fifty minutes.

Psathi Beach

Psathi beach is located in the homonymous village and one of only two inhabited centers on the Kimolos island. A coast of pebbles, with a clean sea despite being at the port, clear waters and shallow waters perfect if you are staying right here and don't want to go and discover the other areas of the island for a day. It is not equipped but around you will find every comfort, from accommodation with a direct view of the sea, to splendid taverns where you can taste the delicacies of local and traditional Greek cuisine based on fresh fish and cafes where you can have an aperitif and contemplate the horizon. If you feel like it, you could also take advantage of a view of the church of Agios Nicolaos dating back to the 17th century.

Ellenika Beach

We find Ellenika beach in the southeast part of Kimolos about six kilometers from the capital Chorio. It is right in the center of the small gulf that offers other splendid coasts such as Dekas beach and Mavrospilia beach. A small coast of soft golden sand mixed with a few small stones, clean and transparent waters, a blue sea but with a seabed that slopes down quickly so not really suitable for the little ones. All around rock formations shaped by atmospheric events and tamarisk plants that are a grace when the sun is felt. Still intact and original, it doesn't have any kind of comfort, here everything is still in its natural state so you have to adapt. Perfect for a day of total relaxation where, among other things, naturism enthusiasts like to meet and find the perfect balance with Mother Nature. Not to be missed at the end of the beach are the remains of the ancient city of Ellenika, now submerged after the violent earthquake that divided Kimolos from its older sister Milos in the 8th century. Equip yourself with a fin, mask and snorkel to discover the acropolis and the Mycenaean tombs. For an unforgettable sunset, climb the rock called Aspragemma, it will be one of the shows you can admire.

Dekas Beach

Dekas beach is located just below Ellenika beach in the same bay. Very similar to Ellenika, it also has a golden sandy beach with some pebbles on the shore, a blue and crystalline sea with shallow waters, all surrounded by a wonderful Mediterranean scrub. Ideal for a day alone, only the most daring go here so you can really enjoy so much beauty. It goes without saying that it has no services, so if you want to get away from civilization for one day, be foresighted and bring everything you need, whether it be to drink, to eat or something to shelter from the sun. It is not difficult to reach, there is a driveway that you just need to follow with the signs, you can get there on foot if you want, it's an hour's walk, by public transport or with your own rental vehicle.

Fikiada Beach

Fikiada beach is located on the southwest side of the island about four kilometers from the capital Chorio. It is the closest point to the  Milos island from here you can see the beautiful Pollonia village, among other places where you leave to reach Kimolos. A rocky coast not suitable for children but excellent for lone wolves or for those who want privacy since very few tourists like to stop here for a day at the beach. Its waters are terse and clear and the sea a sparkling blue. Curious are the white rock formations that emerge from the sea as if by magic, thus giving a lunar landscape. It is not equipped but that's the beauty of it, unspoilt nature, the sound of the sea and nothing more. It is not difficult to reach it, there is the main road which is paved and a small dirt road.

Pigados Beach

Pigados beach is located four kilometers northeast of Chorio. A very narrow coast with a mainly rocky coast with pebbles and stones without a tree that can shelter you from the sun. The sea is still fantastic, clean and in shades of blue. The seabed has stones and slabs of rocks therefore not suitable for families with children as it is dangerous and slippery even with rock shoes. A quiet environment only for those who want silence and almost annoying relaxation. It is necessary to bring everything from food, drinks and above all something to shelter from the sun. To reach it, go towards Prassa beach and follow the signs.

Rema Beach

Rema beach can be found in the southeast area of Kimolos island near Goupa. It is the first one you meet on the route along the coast about a kilometer from Psathi. A small beach and when we say small believe it made of stones with a turquoise sea with crystalline and incredibly transparent waters. An ideal place for a regenerating bath and if you love rough things, you can also think of spending the day there by spreading your towel on the stones perhaps under one of the few tamarisk trees that frame the beach. A sort of natural pool we could define it as a place to relax. Rema beach is also known as Elephant Beach due to the rock formation that looks exactly like an elephant. It can be reached in complete tranquility from the main road or with a nice walk from Psathi. Obviously it is not equipped but it doesn't matter that you can find what you need in the immediate vicinity.

Soufi Beach

Soufi beach is located in the northwest part of Kimolos island. A remote beach, very difficult to reach and this is certainly the reason why it is extremely peaceful, never crowded and still in its original state. A small sandy coast mixed with small stones, an intense blue sea, transparent and clear waters with a seabed rich in marine fauna and flora, a real fun for snorkelers. Its fortunate position always shelters it from the winds and it is one of the few beaches where Eolo has no power. Without any type of comfort, it offers only a few tamarisk trees to shelter from the sun so keep in mind that if you want to go this far it will be essential to think of everything, even something to shelter you during the hottest hours. It can be reached either by sea or on foot with a walk of about ten minutes from the nearby Monastiria Beach.

Monastiria Beach

We can say that Monastiria beach is just before Soufi beach, therefore in a north-westerly direction about ten minutes on foot. Wedged in a tiny bay surrounded by rock formations where some shy Mediterranean scrub shrubs grow, it has a small beach of sand mixed with pebbles, transparent waters and a sea of iridescent colors. The seabed is perfect for snorkelers due to the lively marine flora and fauna (don't forget all your equipment!). It is not equipped and not even a tree will be able to help you shelter from the sun so put everything and more in your backpack. As with Soufi beach, reaching it is a bit challenging but nothing impossible. You can opt to get there by sea or on foot or even with a 4x4 vehicle up to a certain point then you still have to walk for a while.


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