
How to get to Lesvos

2 minutes to read

Lesvos island is located in the north-eastern part of Greece just a stone's throw from the Turkish coast. Also called Mytilene after its capital, it is the third largest in all of Greece by size. History exudes even from the smallest rock, where poets and poetess like Sappho were born.

When one thinks of Lesbos, the first thing that comes to mind is "immigration" also thanks to the media that mention it only and exclusively for this painful problem (painful for the poor people who are forced to leave everything to live in the strict sense of the word ). In reality, Lesvos is a beautiful island which lacks nothing indeed.

Its morphology is varied, it goes from high mountains to immense fertile plains dotted with expanses of olive trees so much so that the best Greek oil is produced right here, it is the homeland of ouzo, the Greek liqueur par excellence and of Retsina, the resin-flavoured wine typical of Greece, of unique places in the world such as its enchanted petrified forest, and given its volcanic origin it offers natural thermal springs with great healing properties, its salt mines, its varied fauna with herons and seals and where people have still that something ancient that always fascinates.

Lesvos island is young, lively, colourful, with the sun for several days a year, a prestigious University, and kilometers of beaches, even deserted ones where in high season there could only be you with a sea that has nothing to envy other Greek Islands but, despite all these riches, it is still almost "snubbed" by tourism and considered little or nothing. On the one hand perhaps even better so much as to remain pristine and intact, on the other a real shame because you lose the opportunity to get to know a small corner of Greek paradise.

For the more adventurous and who have no prejudices dictated by the classic hearsay, here's how to reach this wonderful island.

First of all, it is good to know that there are no direct flights from Italy unfortunately. You have to get to Athens and then take an internal flight from there.

If you wish, you can also reach Lesbos from other Greek airports such as Volos, Crete, Rhodes, Chios, Ikaria and Samos.

By sea: if instead you want to bring your car, there is the option by sea, certainly longer but the charm of a crossing in the Aegean is always a romantic adventure.

From Athens it takes from nine to twelve hours.

From Thessaloniki about ten hours.

Same goes for other Greek islands towards Mytilene such as Chios.

Also from Kavala there are ferries that arrive at their destination in about eight hours.

For information write to us at info@meraviglioseisolegreche.com


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