
Lighthouse Cape Doukato Lefkada

2 minutes to read

If you decide to go to visit the beautiful Porto Katsiki beach, do not miss the opportunity to also go to see the Capo Lefkada Lighthouse considered one of the most mysterious places on the island. Lefkada is located in the middle of a group of islets called “Eptaneso (in Greek the seven islands), and offers glimpses with almost surreal colors with unique panoramas like from Cape Lefkada.

Built on the ruins of a temple in honor of the God Apollo, with high white cliffs overlooking the sea of a blue that seems almost fake, (Lefkos in Greek means white) and with a precipice to say the least scary but as fascinating, it is one of the most beautiful viewpoints on the island. Only after a few kilometers from the lighthouse the landscape becomes even more sensational, ranging from the immense sea to the view of the islands of Ithaca, Scorpios, Kefalonia and from the Greek mainland.

Legend has it that from this promontory the poet Sappho committed suicide by throwing herself from these cliffs so as not to be able to live her crazy love with her beloved Faone, an old fisherman made beautiful and always young by the envious Goddess Venus, also in love with he who hindered in any way the relationship with Sappho to the point of taking her life in despair. Other popular rumors instead tell that in the past human sacrifices were made in honor of the Gods. Homer instead describes Cape Lefkada as the entrance to the underworld because of the often rough waters that do not allow easy navigation.

On the road to the lighthouse there is also the monastery of Agios Nikolaos dating back to the early seventeenth century, which apparently seems abandoned but knocking on the door, a kind nun will open you and accompany you to see it weaving its history and offering you something typical prepared by her.

Along the way, you will also come across street vendors of honey and thyme, take advantage of them because they are truly delicious.


How to reach Capo Lefkada

Is not so complicated, with a vehicle just follow the signs for the famous Katsiki beach where you will find a detour that will take you to the promontory. The road is quite long, winding but feasible. Arriving at the parking lot with a five-minute walk you arrive at the lighthouse.


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