
Lefkos Village Karpathos

2 minutes to read

Lefkos village, we find it in the central part of Karpathos on the west side following the Finiki village and towards the Mesochori village. After Pigadia and Amoopi it is the most sought after location for a holiday on the island.

Is divided into two parts, Ano Lefkos the upper part on the slopes of the hills and Kato Lefkos, the current settlement directly on the sea. A village that once had few houses and where the main means of livelihood was fishing, today despite its development and the advent of tourism it has managed to maintain a genuine flavor where you can find typical taverns that will delight your palate with always fresh fish and local specialties. Lefkos today is the perfect place for a relaxing holiday ideal for families and couples, where nature shines with overwhelming beauty and the most transgressive thing to do is a short walk after dinner or stop in a café for a drink of the bracket.

In Lefkos there are studios and small structures to stay, here the frenzy does not exist, there are no souvenir shops on every corner, but only whitewashed alleys, a small supermarket with basic necessities and a few restaurants nothing more.  However, its location is perfect for exploring the wildest and least contaminated northern part of Karpathos.

Kato Lefkos, once housed a rich port city from the late Roman period to the 5th century Byzantine, then later abandoned probably due to the continuous attacks and Saracen invasions of the 7th century. The area that allowed for control over the west coast of the island and the plain was developed over three ports in a south, west and north east direction. From the archaeological finds found, it is clear that the city was densely populated and had structures, warehouses and tanks. In 410 AD the Carpathian fleet passed through Lefkos for the transport of grain between Alexandria and Constantinople. For a long time the area was then uninhabited to repopulate again at the end of the 20th century.

What to see in Lefkos

Do not miss the Ancient Roman Cistern. An underground basin formed by a rectangular room with seven galleries covered with plaster on the sides and three rows of pillars supporting the ashlar roof. It was used to collect water from the aquifer that was channeled from the galleries to the central chamber, in turn equipped with stairs to allow water to be removed when needed. Nowadays the tank is visible to all as the roof collapsed but recovered and placed on the sides of the tank. Getting there is very simple, reach a brown sign that will take you to a dirt road where at the end you will leave your vehicle and walk in a few minutes you will be at the cistern.

The remains of Panagia Gialochorafitissas Basilica, dating from the fifth century, an early Christian basilica with a mosaic floor still to be discovered and for the most part covered with sand.

About 500 meters from the beach above, a cave created in the ice age when the water poured under the plateau. Divided into several rooms with stone walls, according to some findings it is assumed that it was used by the inhabitants for thousands of years but its function is still unknown today.

And again Agios Georgios tou Lefkou Chapel the only church with a crossed dome still existing on the Karpathos island where inside there are eight hundred years old frescoes. Near the chapel, a small bell tower and a decorative fountain.

Finally, about a quarter of an hour by boat and right in front of Lefkos, the Sokastro islet, in the past connected to the peninsula, but which a violent earthquake detached it from the mainland creating a strait of about 68 meters in width giving it the origin. Uninhabited and extremely wild, it has small sandy beaches where you can relax and take a regenerating swim in the crystal clear waters. Traces of settlements from the Byzantine period when the famous cisterns were built and are still visible today for what remains of them and where the emperor Nikiforos Fokas took refuge in the period in which he was fighting against the Saracen pirates who plundered the seas. Even the crusaders stopped on the islet of Sokastro as it was in an ideal position to spot the marauders and give notice to the iron earth through the rock of Paleokastro.

Lefkos Beach

The beach runs along the entire length of the splendid bay that welcomes the village of Lefkos. The coastline varies from fine white sand to small and rough pebbles, bathed by a sea of amazing colors ranging from blue to iridescent turquoise. There is a part equipped with sun beds and umbrellas, or even a free part where you can settle down as you see fit. It is almost always sheltered from the wind and in any case being an area protected by the promontory it will be sufficient to move to the side where there is no air.

How to get to Lefkos

It is always better to have your own vehicle so as not to be bound by timetables. Just follow westbound and the signs. For those who have not rented a car, there is a bus service but beware it is not active every day so 'take care to consult the timetables.

A corner of peace and tranquility, this is how we can define the village of Lefkos, for those who want to get away from noise and hectic life and take a holiday dedicated only to tranquility and the sea.

Do not miss the sunset in Lefkos one of the most beautiful in Greece where the sun disappears directly into the sea giving moments of pure ecstasy.

Remember to put it on the list of things to see in Karpathos, it will be a wonderful memory.


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