
Crete Beaches

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The majesticCrete Island, in addition to being the largest of all the Greek Islands, is also the most complete one where there is culture, tradition, history, wonderful nature, modernity and hidden corners to be discovered.

Decades would not be enough to describe Crete in detail, it has so much to offer that not even with multiple holidays you can understand the immensity of this island which differs from the others in many ways. A world within a world is how we like to define it where customs and traditions are its own and that you will not find anywhere else.

The places to visit are endless as are the beaches and we believe that nobody knows exactly how many there actually are, but to help you plan your holiday in Greece we give you some hints to at least have an idea of the wonders that await you.

West side

Balos Lagoon

A must to do it for Crete, one of the most scenic and absolutely not to be missed! We find it in the prefecture of Chania where one of the two airports of the island is also located. A painting of Mother Nature with a tropical flavor made of soft and fine white sand with shades that tend towards pink, a sea of a thousand colors ranging from blue to turquoise to sparkling blue, clean, crystalline waters with shallow waters that look like natural pools here's what to expect from Balos Lagoon. A still uncontaminated nature that seen from above makes the idea of this corner of Paradise on earth even better. It is a protected area and is part of the Natura 2000 project where monk seals and Caretta-Caretta turtles love to splash around, a riot of fragrant Mediterranean scrub with a promontory to conquer and where to admire a panorama that will leave you breathless. The area is deserted there are no inhabitants and even less signs of modernity apart from in the summer when there is a tourist facility that rents out sunbeds and umbrellas obviously sold out in a short time since everyone wants to spend at least one day here so go there early . A kiosk instead for something cool to drink and quick to nibble on, no taverns or restaurants, just unspoiled nature. And here we are at the most beautiful part, how to get there? There are two options, either you join one of the day trips organized by all the tourist agencies that will take you by sea or for a real adventure on foot. First of all we must specify that it is necessary to have your own transport as you have to reach the top of the hill where you will be forced to leave your car or scooter. From here, continue with a nice walk of about twenty minutes (the outward journey is downhill, the return uphill) to the lagoon. If you have particular motor problems but they must be serious, there is the opportunity to take the road with donkeys but we hope it is really a real necessity because seeing animals exploited in this way is heartbreaking.

Elafonisi Beach

Another gem of Crete is Elafonissi bech not to be confused with the beautiful Elafonissos Island they are two different things and antipodes to each other. Also called "The Caribbean of the Mediterranean" it is located in the southernmost tip five kilometers from the Monastery of Chrysaoskalitisa. Inside a protected area, the elongated peninsula is made up of white sand that looks like talcum powder with shades of pink, clear and transparent waters, a blue, warm sea with shallow waters, a real joy especially for families with children. Soft dunes where the delicate sea lilies, daffodils and wild junipers are born, which are shaped by the wind and the saltiness, taking on different and strange shapes, real natural works of art. At low tide, the depth reaches not even one meter dividing it in two and it is possible to walk to the opposite islet. Only the western part is equipped with sunbeds, umbrellas and snack bars where you can find food and drink, let's say that it is the most chaotic area especially during the summer and where it would be better to arrive early to find a place. The part behind the peninsula, on the other hand, is more peaceful and there are delightful coves where you can stay in absolute silence and peace. To deserve these corners, however, you have to walk a little, here is the price to pay, but the effort will certainly be amply rewarded. Naturism lovers in the extreme southern part will find wonderful little beaches where they can best express their lifestyle.

Falassarna Beach

Falassarna beach is one of the three beaches considered among the most beautiful in Crete, although in our opinion there are many others that deserve to be included in this list. It is northwest in the Gramsvousa Peninsula about fifteen kilometers from the Kissamos village. A long beach of soft fine sand that stretches for three kilometres, a blue and turquoise sea, crystalline and clear waters with shallow waters. Near the shore some rock formations make the landscape beautiful and wild. It too is included in the protected area of the Natura 2000 project for its delicate flora of wild junipers, sea lilies and rare species of orchid. In reality, the coast offers several beaches, the most sought after is Pachia Ammos which is very full during the summer but which thanks to its size will not be one on top of the other, you can breathe and have a shred of privacy. It is equipped with sunbeds, umbrellas and a snack bar where you can find something to drink and eat. There are also water sports and activities to enjoy with friends or family. North of Pachia Ammos, another wild and unequipped coast with rocks and sand dunes that divide it in half, a favorite destination for solitary people and for truly remaining in peace. But will Falassarna also have a defect? Well yes, the only imperfection is the wind! Unfortunately, given its open position, it is subject to the whims of Aeolus who succeeds very well when he wants to make himself heard. Consequently, we advise you to check the weather conditions before going there to avoid an empty ride. It can be reached both independently with a rental vehicle and with public bus rides.

Kedrodassos Beach

Kedrodasos beach is identified as one of the last paradises on earth. It is located not far from the Elafonissi beach in the southwest and its name in Greek means Cedar Forest even if this type of conifer is not present in the area, on the other hand juniper plants grow which give a particular touch to the area. A coast of fine clear sand, smooth rocks on the shore, a sea with colors that change from cerulean to intense blue, clear and transparent waters with black shades due to the posidonia, backdrops that slope down so much that in some points they look like natural pools. Behind sand dunes that change with every breath of wind and trees shaped by atmospheric events, how can you not define it as Eden? Its nature is still tremendously wild and untouched to leave almost speechless and therefore no comforts just you and the sea. If you decide to go this far, remember to bring everything you need, also because a trace of civilization can be found not just around the corner. It is much loved by campers and naturists who, despite being prohibited in Greece, dare to arrive on Kedrodasos beach, challenging everything and everyone, however, obtaining a generous reward. Unlike Elafonissi beach, here the wind is felt much less and is not disturbing at all.

Seitan Limania Beach

Seitan Limania beach (Sietan=Satan - limani: port) is about a couple of kilometers from the Chordaki village in the northwest of the of Crete island. It actually goes by several names, you may also spot it as San Raphel for the church at the beginning of the Rizoskloko gorge mostly used by the locals and Saint Spyridon for the ancient cave temple near the beach. A wild environment made up of steep cliffs, rough seas due to strong sea currents and unknown until a decade ago as there was no road to get there. Seitan Limania beach is wedged in a small channel with imposing cliffs surrounding it, a handkerchief like sand with large grains mixed with pebbles and waters with amazing colors both for the colors and for the sharpness. The seabed is immediately deep so it would be better if you were expert swimmers in case you feel like doing two strokes. No services and no shade, if you decide to go there remember to bring everything. One thing to count on is the light, given its position, the full hours are few, it tends to go into the shade very early usually a couple of hours before sunset. In the high season, even if it is a real adventure, getting there is always very full so choose the time to go well if you want to enjoy it a little more.

Glyka Nera Beach

Glyka Nera beach holds the twentieth position among the most beautiful beaches in Europe and how can we not blame him!. Southwest of Crete, to reach it you need to be real adventurers because you either choose to get there by sea or with a wonderful walk through an area with amazing views but also a little tiring. Glyka Nera beach is made of small pebbles, an intense blue sea with crystalline, calm and basically cold waters. Majestic cliffs forming part of the incredible Lefka Ori mountain range surround it reaching even 500 meters in height and tamarisk trees border the beach giving natural shade during the hottest hours. It is equipped with a few sunbeds and umbrellas managed by the extravagant tavern built right on top of a rock in the middle of the sea which offers genuine food linked to local tradition and classic Greek cuisine. For those who want a Spartan day, there is no shortage of places to put a towel in the wild.

Frangokastello Beach

We find Frangokastello beach in the southwest part of Crete about fifteen kilometers from Hora Sfakion, a picturesque village behind the Lefka Ori and overlooking the Libyan Sea. A large coastline of golden sand, clear, transparent and warm waters compared to other beaches, a turquoise sea with shallow waters perfect for families with children and swimming lovers. It is partly equipped with sunbeds and umbrellas while a section is completely free so you can put your beach towel where you feel most inspired. Behind Frangokastello beach there are some typical taverns to eat delicacies of local or traditional cuisine as well as sip cool drinks. Soft dunes and thick vegetation surrounding the beach for a nice walk to discover the coast. It is a place to spend a quiet day at the beach based on simplicity, relaxation and wonderful nature. The imposing fortress that dominates Frangokastello almost looks like a sentinel with a sad air and a touch of mystery perhaps due to the myth that revolves around it which tells that in 1828 when the Turks, after having killed all the rebels, blew up the castle to to prevent the rioters from using it, every dawn between 17 and 18 May the spirits of the Sfakioti (name of the revolutionaries) return in front of the stronghold. Science has an explanation but we like the legend better.

Triopetra Beach

Triopetra beach is southwest of Crete less than fifteen kilometers from the Akoumia village at the foot of Mount Siderotas full of beautiful churches from the Byzantine period (there is an ancient oven in the village where you can taste delicacies that can only be found here) while Rethymno fifty kilometers to the north. Its name means three rocks (tria = three petra = rock) thanks to the spectacular rocks that emerge from the sea. Precisely it consists of two coasts separated by a river the Akoumianos, the first called Little Triopetra or Koumado, is made of gray sand and stones with clean waters and a thousand reflections of blue closed by rocky walls on the sides. It is equipped with some umbrellas and sunbeds while, for eating or drinking something, there are some traditional taverns. From here, for a break from the sun, a one kilometer path takes you to the chapel of the Prophet Elijah above the hill where you can enjoy a wonderful panorama. The second one called Chatzi which extends to Ligres beach is very long and mainly of coarse sand with transparent and emerald colored waters. Its position makes it vulnerable to winds shaking the sea and creating waves not really suitable for families with children, when it is quiet, it is perfect thanks to its shallow water. One area is free while the other is equipped with sunbeds, umbrellas and a few taverns. The sunset moment from Triopetra beach is something magical and one of the most beautiful to admire in Crete.

Preveli Beach

Preveli beach is south towards the center but more towards the west if you really want to be picky, about ten kilometers from the Plakias village. Considered a protected area, it offers its visitors two other natural beauties, the great river Megas Potamos, and the Kortaliotikos Gorge which create a delta and then flow into the sea giving life to a lush and spectacular palm grove of an indigenous species just behind the beach. Its name comes from the ancient monastery on top of the mountain. A beach of soft light sand mixed with pebbles, an emerald and transparent sea with fresh waters, not equipped but still in its original state. If you decide to come here during your holiday in Crete, remember to bring everything you need even if during the summer there is a small bar that offers just the essentials. Very popular and well known, during the high season it is overwhelmed by mass tourism so if you want to enjoy it in peace it would be better to arrive early in the morning. The area is beautiful to explore, for example to the left of the beach there is a mysterious cave which then flows into a private cove, or going up the river or the canyon you come across ponds. It can be reached both by sea and by land, the second most challenging since there are 500 steps to climb to get there

Stavros Beach

Stavros beach (Stavros in Greek means cross), is on the Cape Akrotiri Peninsula just fifteen kilometers from the lively Chania Town in northwest Crete. It began to be known thanks to the legendary movie "Zorbas the Greek" for the Sirtaki dance scene by actor Anthony Quinn. A beautiful lagoon made in a semicircle at the foot of Mount Vardies which protects it from the winds, offers visitors two beaches. The main one also known as Gold Coast Bay is perfect for families with children due to its shallow waters, soft sand and turquoise sea. It is partly equipped with sunbeds, umbrellas and a few taverns where you can enjoy excellent fresh fish. The second one further north is more subject to the winds therefore ideal when it's so hot and the sea breeze is like a real godsend. Less frequented by tourism, it has a fine sandy coast with some rock formations, a clean sea with sparkling colors and in part it offers comfort with sunbeds and umbrellas. Being small, seating is limited so as always, first come first served. A picturesque tavern in the center that looks more like a hut due to its palm-leaf roof, where you can find food and drink.


East part

Agia Pelagia Beach

We find tAgia Pelagia beach in the north-eastern part of the beautifulCrete island, just under twenty kilometers from the capital Heraklion. Wedged in a small circular bay, it has a small coastline of soft golden sand, calm, crystalline waters, a turquoise sea with a gently sloping seabed, perfect for families with children and for those who like to enjoy long swims. It is well equipped with sunbeds, umbrellas and many typical taverns where you can taste the delights of local and traditional Greek cuisine, cafeterias and bars where you can find a refreshing drink. It is very quiet and ideal for a lazy day at the beach.

Voulisma Beach

Voulisma beach, one of the most photographed places in Crete, can be found on many postcards and maybe you have never noticed it. It is located northeast a few kilometers from the characteristic Agios Nikolaos village. Inserted in the fantastic Mirabello Bay, it is the city beach of the Istron town, an area very rich in uncontaminated nature. With an exotic atmosphere, the seven hundred meter long Voulisma beach has fine clear sand, clear and transparent waters with an intense turquoise sea with shallow water, excellent for children who can play safely and wear themselves out like there is no tomorrow. Behind the beach, an imposing cliff covered by fragrant Mediterranean scrub which however does not protect it much from the winds so if you want to spend the day there, check the weather conditions first or if you move west to the Volismen beach, you will find a small inlet where Aeolus does not arrive. It is also called Golden Beach due to the particular color of its sand which, depending on the sunlight, becomes as bright as gold and also for this reason it is awarded the Blue Flag every year. It is equipped with sunbeds and umbrellas while as regards the catering, at the top of the hill is a snack bar offering food and drinks. From here the panorama is something indescribable. It is very popular therefore very crowded especially during the summer period so if you want to enjoy it in peace it would be better to reach it in the morning.

Kolokytha Beach

The secret of Kololytha beach (means courgette in Greek) is in the north east of Crete Island near the Elounda village and under the  Kalydon islet. Wild and uncontaminated, Kolokytha beach is a small strip of soft white sand, lapped by clear and crystalline waters, an intense blue sea, what more could you ask for? A corner of paradise until recently still unknown but which in recent decades is gaining ground so much that during the high season it is even too full and where daily boat trips have also arrived. Original and intact, it has only a few tamarisk and olive trees to keep it company and obviously no trace of civilization. If you decide to spend the day there, remember to bring everything with you because you will be in the middle of nowhere, just fantastic nature. Kolokytha beach also has another name, the locals know it as Agios Loukas beach due to its ancient chapel from which the view is amazing. In the background, the Spinalonga island which until 1957 was the hospital for lepers.

Matala Beach

The mythical Matala beach is southeast of Crete right where the plain of Messara meets the mountains of Asterousia. A beach of golden velvety sand about three hundred meters long surrounded by seductive rocks where ancient prehistoric caves are hidden inside, unfortunately no longer visible today but which in the legendary 60s and 70s were the home of hippies who from all over the world settled here pursuing the dream of a free life in contact with nature. Its waters are transparent and clean while the sea takes on shades of blue and sparkling turquoise with backdrops that slope down a natural playground for families with children. It is very well equipped with umbrellas, sunbeds and a beach bar. Behind it, the picturesque town once a simple fishing village, today a lively and sought-after tourist destination full of sleepy cafes, bars, clubs for the evening and traditional taverns where, observing the immense sea, you can try the local specialties. Every year at the end of June the famous  Matala Festival is organized, a world music event where for three days foreign and Greek artists perform and will make you dance day and night.

Myrthos Beach

We always find Myrthos beach in the southeast about thirteen kilometers from the picturesque Ierapetra village in a generous valley of citrus groves and where the Kryos river flows coming from the Sarakina gorge. A coast of dark coarse sand, blue and transparent waters with a bottom mixed with gravel that descends gently, excellent for lovers of long swims and families with children. Considered one of the most beautiful in the southern area of the island, it extends for hundreds of meters in the middle of a bay with low mountains dotted with Mediterranean scrub that shelter it from the winds, indeed the locals claim that Aeolus never appears in this part of Crete. It is equipped with sunbeds, umbrellas, a vast choice of water sports suitable for all ages, beach bars as well as the classic tavern where you can satisfy your appetite with local delicacies. For a break from the beach, you can go and visit the Minoan settlements of Pirgos, Korifi or Forunou or if you prefer the mountains, take a tour of the Pefkos or Simi villages where you can admire one of the last forests of Crete.

Xerokambos Beach

Xerocampos beach is located in one of the oldest and most remote areas in southeast Lassithi prefecture at the very end of the island. The whole area is impressive, here mother nature is still in its primordial state with coves hidden in steep rocky mountains with some tufts of vegetation, natural caves, canyons and arid parts burned by the sun. In reality there isn't just one beach, there are several but they all have in common a Middle Eastern exotic scent as well as beauty. One different from the other like the silent and solitary Agia Irini beach made of pebbles and a breathtaking sea that can only be reached on foot by fording a dry river bordered by wild oleanders, perfect for those who love snorkelling, or the Ligia Lakkos beach with its three rocks in front and high mountains behind it with a beach of small gray stones and some trees to protect themselves from the sun, and yet the Mazzida Ammos beach the largest and the one with the most tropical flavor just behind Capo Trachilos with soft sand white. an intense turquoise sea and from where you can see the Koufonisi island. We continue with the Gerontolakkos beach also known as Agios Nikolaos in honor of the chapel dedicated to the Saint, with clear sand, clear waters, soft dunes behind, and a sea to scream to finish with the isolated and super quiet Alona beach, an expanse of clear sand surrounded by sun-worn rocks where there is nothing but a wild and intact world.

Pachia Ammos Beach

Pachia Ammos beach is in the northeast of Crete twenty kilometers from the Agios Nikolaos Town in the prefecture of Lassithi. In the middle of the Mirabello Gulf, it offers a coastline of sand mixed with pebbles, a blue sea with crystal clear waters with shallow waters perfect for families with children. The eastern part of Pachia Ammos beach is often subject to winds that create dangerous reverse waves perfect for surfing and water sports where Aeolus is present. It has a rocky bottom as well as not being equipped and with only a few tamarisk trees where you can take a break during the hottest hours. For a quiet day at the beach, it is better to stay in the western area which is protected from the winds by a breakwater, is sandy and organized with all the comforts. During the summer, given its size, it is almost never super crowded and you can find a corner where you can relax in peace. As far as catering is concerned, behind the Pachia Ammos beach there is a good choice of typical taverns and cafes where you can take a break from the warm sunrays. If you like to discover the territories do not miss a visit to the Vasiliki village in a southerly direction towards the beautiful Ierapetra or if you love trekking, a walk in the spectacular Cha Gorge with a wild and arid landscape with a canyon that offers views to leave without breath.

Vai Beach

We find Vai beach in the northeast right on the tip of the Crete Island. Scenographic and with an exotic flavour, it houses a marvelous endemic palm grove protected by the Natura 2000 project, considered the largest in all of Europe with 5,000 palm trees of an ancient endemic species. Its origin is justified by the fact that the Phoenician merchants, stopping right here to rest and then heading towards Africa, threw away the seeds of the dates they ate, thus giving life to this stupendous corner of Crete. Behind the forest the beautiful beach made of thin white sand mixed with a few small pebbles, transparent waters and awarded every year with the Blue Flag, a blue and turquoise sea with a gently sloping seabed, excellent for families with children and those who like to swim. It is well equipped with sunbeds, umbrellas and refreshment areas where you can drink or eat something. It is very popular and known in fact during the high season it is a little crowded, if you want to enjoy it to the fullest, it would be advisable to come early in the morning. The visit to the palm grove has several limitations by virtue of the fact that in the past tourists have not had care and respect for this corner of paradise, leaving garbage and creating a lot of damage to the ecosystem, so much so that today it is strictly forbidden to light fires, camp and stay after the sunset, a real shame because at sunset the show is to leave you speechless. After the rocky promontory the intimate cove of Psili Ammos much sought after especially by naturists

Makris Gialos Beach

Makris Gialos beach is southeast of the multifaceted  Cretei sland in its homonymous village about twenty-four kilometers from Ierapetra. Wedged in the Kala Nera Bay, it has a long beach of white sand bathed by a blue and turquoise sea, crystalline and clean waters with a sandy bottom that descends gently, ideal for a long swim or for a simple bath. It is very well equipped with sunbeds, umbrellas and all the main services. Well known and popular especially during the summer, it offers days of complete relaxation in a fabulous environmental context. For a break from the beach, you can go and discover the archaeological excavations that have brought to light ancient memories of the Minoan era, or explore the Butterfly Gorge where thousands of moths stop, the Perivolakia Gorge the deepest with a beautiful path through the canyon arrives at the Kapsa Monastery right above the sea above the rocks, and again at the Pefki Gorge with a nice walk up to Aspros Potamos between cliffs and olive groves. Finally, always from here you can participate in one of the wonderful boat trips to the  Chrissi or Koufonisi islands.


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