
Gramvousa Island Amorgos

2 minutes to read

Gramvousa islet is one of the two uninhabited islands around the amazing Amorgos Island, the other is Nikouria island but that's another story.

Gramovusa is located in the southern part of Amorgos on the west side a short distance from the beautiful Kalotaritissa beach, one of the most known and popular with visitors and perfect for families because it is equipped and sheltered due to its position from the winds.

A small piece of land that emerged as a place of marine marauders in the past for its bay sheltered from the winds, not to be confused with the other Gramvousa of Crete precisely in Chania from the mighty castle that has seen many battles and also preferred by pirates where they could hide and remain undisturbed.

A harsh land especially on the north side still overwhelmingly wild and inhospitable, continually beaten by the Meltemi which makes it impossible to live there. Unlike many other rocky islets, Gramvousa was completely abandoned not really long ago, once there were people who enjoyed this little corner of paradise as evidenced by the remains of houses, paths, farmyards and huts. A decidedly hard and simple life, as there was nothing, but with tenacious willpower and hard work, its few inhabitants were able to be self-sufficient by growing legumes, wheat and onions, fishing what the Aegean was able to offer, collecting snails and raising cows and sheep which allowed them to produce their cheese, grind and bake their bread, leading a free life and following the rhythms of Mother Nature.

However, despite having the good fortune to live in an Eden, attracted by the comforts and modernity they decided to leave Gramvousa to settle on the mother island Amorgos and have a much simpler and more comfortable life. The last to leave were the brothers George, Giannis and Vassilis Roussos who remained alone for several years making it a bit like their private island and from which they managed to take what was necessary to survive but with a tranquility that would do today. gluttony to anyone. The only day of celebration, Santa Caterina to which the only church on the island was dedicated. The story goes that the wall around the chapel was built by Giannis himself.

Today, it comes alive with human beings only during the summer when the boats leave from the Kalorititissa beach to reach Gramvousa disembarking visitors while still preserving some living beings such as sea turtles that if you are lucky you will be able to see and some solitary goats.

The island has two beautiful beaches of sand and small pebbles, bathed by a fabulous sea with transparent and calm waters, with colors ranging from turquoise to emerald to blue. The seabed is a real amusement park for snorkelers who can get to know the marine flora and fauna of Gramvousa.

Logically, being a desert island, there is no type of service, so if you decide to spend the whole day there, stock up on water and food. Important note, not finding even a shaded area due to the lack of trees, it would be better to have a good sunscreen and something to shelter from the sun.

How to reach Gramvousa Island

The only way is by sea. From Kalotaritissa beach, every hour there are boats that will ferry you to the island in just ten minutes of navigation at a cost of € 4 per person round trip.

A nice alternative, on the other hand, if you are a sportsman, could be to rent a canoe or a pedal boat and row or pedal up to Gramvoussa, the choice is yours.

Unmissable destination to mark among the things to do in Amorgos, it would be a great shame to miss it since you can also combine it with the beach just in front of you and enjoy a wonderful day at the beach.


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